
Wing Annual Report – Part I – Electronic Form

RCAF Association Wing Annual Report Part I
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Mailing Address for the Wing (with Facilities) or the Wing Chairperson

Section B - Name of Individual Submitting/Completing this Report

Date / Time

Section C - Wing Information (Charter, Quarters, History)

Charter Anniversary Date (Date Charter Granted)
Date of Incorporation (Only if Applicable)
Check each that apply

Section D - Wing Membership Status

Selected Value: 0
Selected Value: 0
Selected Value: 0
Complementary (VIP Stakeholder) Members

Section E - Communications

Section F - Advocacy - Heritage - Youth Focused Activities

For example, select amongst these Advocacy-focused Activities in which the Wing's members participated
For example, select amongst these Heritage & Commemorative Activities those in which the Wing participated
For example, select amongst these Youth-focused Activities those in which the Wing's members participated

Section G - Awards & Scholarships/Bursaries

Section H - RCAF Association Trust Fund Promotions & Benefits

Section I - Resolutions, Nominations & Awards

The Wing has submitted the appropriate form for each of the Award Nominations identified below

Section J - Organization & Governance

Are all of the Wing's Board positions filled?
Which of the following "Offices" are currently occupied/filled? (Your Wing may not have need for all of these various offices/appointments)

Section K - Wing Financial Activities & Fund-raising

Did your Wing get involved in any of the following fund-raising activities?

Section L - Membership Recruiting & Retention

Our Wing Membership Recruiting & Retention Activities include:
Select how you believe RCAF Association members in your Wing feel about the importance to the RCAF Association's mission of the following Functions/Activities/Purposes:
Not ApplicableStrongly DisagreeDisagree SomewhatNeutralAgree SomewhatModerately AgreeStrongly Agree
Advocacy (Advocating for a Well-prepared RCAF)
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
Disagree Somewhat
Agree Somewhat
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
Disagree Somewhat
Agree Somewhat
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
Disagree Somewhat
Agree Somewhat
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
Supporting Youth Programs
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
Disagree Somewhat
Agree Somewhat
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
Heritage & Remembrance
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
Disagree Somewhat
Agree Somewhat
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
Strengthening Canada's Democratic Values
Not Applicable
Strongly Disagree
Disagree Somewhat
Agree Somewhat
Moderately Agree
Strongly Agree
How likely do you believe your members would recommend membership in the RCAF Association?
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.