Historical Aircraft

Honorary Lifetime (Regular) Membership Award Nomination Form

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Your Name
Date / Time

Who are you Nominating for the Life Membership Award?


In 1989, the Life Membership Award was established as the Association’s second most prestigious award, under the Distinguished Service Award, and after the Meritorious Service Award. Life membership was established to award members with an Honorary (Regular) Lifetime membership in the RCAF Association, in recognition of outstanding long and faithful service. A total of four such awards may be presented each year. Nominees should normally come from those members previously awarded the Meritorious Service Award. Please consult with the Executive Director, to learn more.

My Nominee for the Honorary Lifetime (Regular) Membership Award has previously been awarded the following RCAF Association awards
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If you would like to share a press clipping, or a photograph or document that helps to describe the nominee's accomplishments, please upload the file here

Nominator's (You) Consent to Share Nomination

Your nomination is to be shared with your Wing Executive Council and with the Group Executive Council, where applicable
Consent and Acknowledgement