Historical Aircraft

Len Baldock Memorial Award for “Member of the Year” – Nomination Form

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Your Name
Date / Time

Who are you Nominating for the Leonard Baldock Memorial Award?


To learn more about Leonard Noel Baldock, you may wish to visit the link found at the bottom of the form. Leonard Baldock served in the RCAF with Eastern Air Command during the Second World War. He was National President from 1960 to 1962, Ontario Group President 1954-55 and President of 412 (Windsor) Wing in 1953. The award, which shall be a plaque affixed with a Canadian Forces badge, inscribed to indicate the recipient as the "Member of the Year", will honour the performance of one whose skill, enthusiasm, inspiration, direction or leadership in Association activities has been above the ordinary. It recognizes the achievements of one whose influence has been beneficial, either directly or indirectly, to the RCAF Association. The award will acknowledge superior performance throughout the year in which the award is presented or continuous outstanding performance over a longer period.

My Nominee for the Distinguished Service Award has previously been awarded the following RCAF Association awards
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If you would like to share a press clipping, or a photograph or document that helps to describe the nominee's accomplishments, please upload the file here

Nominator's (You) Consent to Share Nomination

Your nomination is to be shared with your Wing Executive Council and with the Group Executive Council, where applicable
Consent and Acknowledgement
Our tribute page to Leonard Noel Baldock