Historical Aircraft

Distinguished Service Award


In 1973 the NEC approved the establishment of the Distinguished Service Award, in recognition and appreciation of distinguished service to the Association. Awarded to only two members annually, it is the highest award which may be presented to a individual by the Association.

If you would like to nominate either a member of the RCAF Association, or any Canadian citizen of excellent character, who has rendered unique and distinguished service to the Association, or to Canadian Aviation in any of its aspects, please consider completing and submitting the nomination form, which can be found at the link, here.

Group Captain (Ret’d) William A Hockney, OMM, CD – 415 (Prince Edward County) Wing, Picton, ON (Deceased)
William Bill John Jack, 441 (Huronia) Wing, Barrie. ON (Deceased)


LCol (Ret’d) Bud Berntson, CD – 111 (Micmac) Wing

Walter Vladimir Gerbac – 306 Wing (Deceased)