Historical Aircraft

Christina Handler Award


If you would like to nominate a fellow RCAF Association member for the Christina Handler Award, please complete the form here

Nomination Form - Christina Handler Award
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Your Name
Date / Time

Who are you Nominating for the Christina Handler Award?


The Christina Handler Memorial Award was approved at the 2003 NEC Mid Term meeting in memory of the former RCAF Association Comptroller who tirelessly and unselfishly contributed so much to the RCAF Association. The purpose of this award is to recognize annually the contribution made by an Association member not in an elected nor an appointed governance position.

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files.
If you would like to share a press clipping, or a photograph or document that helps to describe the nominee's accomplishments, please upload the file here

Nominator's (You) Consent to Share Nomination

Your nomination is to be shared with your Wing Executive Council and with the Group Executive Council, where applicable
Consent and Acknowledgement

Past Christina Handler Award Winners

2020 – Betty Kuchynski