Family Member’s Dedication Webpage

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The Royal Canadian Air Force Association is proud of all the women and men who have served, are serving and will one day serve in the RCAF. Our mission is to inform, educate or remind Canadians of the importance of their country's air force, and the tremendous work done by all our air force veterans. With these webpages we hope to bring to the attention of all Canadians the context of your own family member's (or friends) contributions. Basic webpage $39. Each additional edit or addition to the webpage $19. If hardcopy material is to be returned, shipping fee (minimum) of $20 required. Digital material preferred. All information submitted will be subjected to validation/verification. Information we are unable to verify or corroborate may be set aside, pending further review. All material should be e-mailed to Fees must be e-transferred to before work begins. If credit card preferred, please contact 1.866.351.2322 and ask for Wendy.
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Price: $39.00