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610 entries.
Brian Haynes from CRAWLEY SUSSEX UK wrote on 12/02/2011 at 6:22 pm
1957/58.I was at No2TTS CAMP BORDEN installing an F86 Sabre flight simulator.My "boss" there was Wjng Commander Hemsley.I wonder what happened to Sgt Skene ?I was a civil engineer from REDIFON flight simulation.
Stephanie Gaudreau from Vancouver BC wrote on 08/02/2011 at 12:40 am
I am looking for information on LAC John Robert Gaudreau, who served in the RCAF in Trenton, Ont and Marville France and North Bay , Ont.( 1950 - 1963). I am also looking for information on LAW Betty Gaudreau (nee Brooks) who served in Trenton Ont ( 1950-1954).
Craig Lees from West Vancouver, B.C., Canada wrote on 01/02/2011 at 5:09 am
I am trying to find any information on my Uncle, F/O Ed Welters who flew with the SKYLANCERS in Europe and was killed on March 2, 1956 with 3 of his buddies flying their Sabres. His tail # is 23524 and flew Left Wing. I will be in Europe in July, 2011 and am trying to locate his gravesite. I would really appreciate any help possible.
Beth C. Moore from Kingston wrote on 23/01/2011 at 5:38 am
My father S. Ralph Moore (Major, retired) passed away on January 5, 2011. My father loved his military carreer and the many friends that he met over the years.
Fred Nesbitt from Little Current Ontario wrote on 20/01/2011 at 2:56 am
Rick Davies from Atlanta GA wrote on 19/01/2011 at 4:11 pm
Hello from Georgia. RCAF early 60's. AFP. Airforce brat from birth in '46 until dad retired in 64 from Rockcliffe. Gosh I miss those days!
Keith Clifford from Hamilton, Ontario wrote on 08/01/2011 at 1:41 pm
Hello to all from the friendly city of Hamilton, Ontario. If you're in the area stop by at the Wing for some comradeship. Keith Clifford 2nd Vice President 447 Wing AFAC Hamilton
Anne (Tripe) Crossman from Nova Scotia wrote on 04/01/2011 at 11:52 am
Thank you for this website. I'd just like to ask for two minor edits in my father's entry - TRIPE, S/L Phillip Valentine King (42279). 1) It's Philip with one "l". 2) "He drowned in an ice boating accident." He continued to be very active to the end and "ice boating" is more fitting and true. Thanks again.
Trevor E. Smith from Trail B.C. wrote on 02/01/2011 at 10:30 pm
Stationed with 403 Sqn. in the early 50's Inst Tech. would like to have been there longer but was transferred to C.E.P.E. Edmonton for 3 years then to the Air Navigation School, Winnepeg,4 years.in Germany and back to the peg. took my pension and retired in Trail B.C. 35 Years + was enough Met My Wife in Calgary Got Married oldest is a retired Airfoce W.O. in Cold Lake. Life is Good TaTaForNow
Frederick (Fred) Kanne from River Ryan Cape Breton NS wrote on 30/12/2010 at 11:17 pm
I am retired since 1989 after 26 years in the RCAF. There is not a wing locally, that I know of, so I am not currently affiliated with a wing. If you know of any close by could you let me know by return email? Thanks. WO FT Kanne (Ret)