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610 entries.
Bob Carson from Campbell ca. wrote on 05/06/2019 at 3:59 pm
My father in law served in Royal Canadian Air Force during World War Two.I know he was from sas.and was a gunner on a bomber.Is there a way to find out what medals he qualified for.he has past on,family would be happy.Billard Gerald thanks
Hans van Ekelenburg from Vlaardingen, Netherlands wrote on 24/05/2019 at 2:56 pm
Searching information about William Melvin Pipher * 07-06-1917 Newmarket, Ontario + 26-03-1942 Vlaardingen, Netherlands and Andrew Lennox * 16-05-1918 Innisfail, alb, + 26-03-1942 Vlaardingen, Netherlands
Jim McLeman from Calgary Alberta wrote on 18/05/2019 at 8:09 pm
I’m trying to locate the family or where snouts of F/Sgt AE MacPherson #R205509 RCAF Who passed training in England during WW2 along with my late uncle F/Sgt Daniel McLeman who was lost in Burma. I’m wondering did MacPherson survive and his where abouts Any help much appreciated. Jim
Karen Harper-Toso from London wrote on 17/05/2019 at 3:02 pm
I would love to find someone that may have know my father. His name was Louis Richard Lampkin but may have gone by Louis, Ricky or Pete. Trained in Clinton and was on the DEWLine in the late 50s early 60s.
Dale Stewart from B.C. wrote on 13/05/2019 at 7:03 pm
Just came across your record of Garden of Memories at 17 Wing, Winnipeg including crew of WL-U NR118, Allan Kurtzhals. And Tony Plante. Great Job! Thank you so much. All this effort is greatly appreciated.
Frank Hare from Ottawa wrote on 06/05/2019 at 4:27 pm
I am a former CF-100 pilot -410 and 423 Sqns. I am looking for an RCAF flag decal. I saw one on a vehicle today
Rory Corneille from White Rock wrote on 12/04/2019 at 12:41 pm
I served in the Airforce for 5 years starting in 1962. After completing basic training I was transferred to Camp Bordon for training as Aero engine Tech. There were 14 young men including myself. For some time now I have been considering if I contact the fellow course members that a reunion could be arranged. I have only been able to locate one (Peter Brice) and this was only by luck. I am hoping posting in your Guestbook that contact could be made. I have attached a picture of the course members, who were part of this course, (number 6205) and a list of men in this picture is listed below: Back Row. Jean Simard, George Onberwater?, Lorne Haggard, Barrie Beauchamp, Rory Corneille, Marc Aubin, Peter Brice. Front Row. Luke Michell, Bill Tobin, Clem Loyer, Kurt Wengel, Barney MacLeod, Ed Belsey, Bob Murray. Regards Rory Rory Corneille – Retired 604 817 2664
Rory Corneille from White Rock BC wrote on 26/03/2019 at 1:05 am
Great web site. I served 1962 (St.Jean, then to Camp Bordon), to 1967 (Comox) as an Aero engine tech in the engine bay for 409 squadron. This entailed overhaul, test cell running and in-frame run ups. I am looking for members who took the aero tech basic course at Camp Bordon in 1962, Course #6205. These were; Jean Emard, George Onderwater (sp?), Lorne Haggard, Barrie Beauchamp, Marc Aubin, Peter Brice ( I know were Pete is), Luke Michell (sp?), Bill Tobin, Clem Loyer, Kurt Wengel (sp?), Barney MacLeod, Ed Belsey and Bob Murray. If any of you are out there and are still standing, get back to me. Peter and I would like to organize a small reunion of sorts. Contacts are: rory_corneille@telus.net or peterae3@shaw.ca Regards Rory
Elizabeth Perrett from Reading, Berkshire wrote on 23/03/2019 at 7:53 am
Hi All I am researching Monkschester in Limpsfield, Surrey. My Gran was evacuated there during 1942 from Wandsworth, London. I believe she was also a cinema cashier whilst she was there. Colonel Lawrence and his wife lived there. I’m having difficulty finding out about the house at that time. Indeed, I cannot find much information at all! It must have been a big house as it had a ballroom. A number of boy evacuees were sent there too from a college of Askeans. Does anyone have any memories of the area in 1942? Particularly November 1942 of dies anyone remember a young woman there called Violet? Thank you, Elizabeth
Gary Patten from Port Rexton Newfoundland wrote on 27/02/2019 at 9:55 am
Dear Sirs: my father Chesley W.Patten Passed away Feb. 17 2019 He was a Flight SGT. during World War 2 and was a Navigator on flights that flew coastal patrols on the east coast of Canada I have photographs of my father from that time that I would like to share with the association. Could you please contact me regarding my father! Thank you . Gary patten
Peter Bishop from Ottawa wrote on 16/02/2019 at 8:49 pm
My father was Ft. lt. Edward (Ted) Mcdonald Bishop from Ottawa, On. He was in no. 65 squadron among others. He was spitire Pilot, north africa, north atlantic, France.,,, Born Cornwall, On 1916 died ottawa Aug 1970. I would like to know if there might be someone who may have known him, i would be so thankful to hear from you.
Leigh Termath from Qualicum Beach wrote on 11/02/2019 at 10:52 pm
I am looking for information on my parents George Raymond Lightbourn (went by Ray) and Barbara Lightbourn (nee Dean). Both served in the RCAF around 1951-54? He was a photographer and they met and got married while in the RCAF I think. They were in Ottawa and then travelled in Europe where my dad was a photographer for the RCAF. They had 2 sons at that time, one born in Ottawa and one in France. Looking specifically for where they got married and what year. Thank you!
Debbie Reid from Charlottetown PEI wrote on 31/01/2019 at 9:23 am
Hello everyone, sending greetings and well wishes from Executive and Members of RCAFA 201 (Confederation) Wing in Charlottetown, PEI. Always looking for new members, if you are interested please contact President Debbie Reid, CD at 902-367-0450 or reid.debbie@rocketmail.com
Dave Hunter from Castle Donington wrote on 30/01/2019 at 8:51 pm
Looking for information on Douglas Cross who was a pilot in RCAF in late 1950s through '60s. Hailed from Montreal went on to fly for Air Atlanta in Iceland also flew for Canadian outfit. He passed 2oth December 2018. I was business colleague. Survived by his daughter Priscilla. We want to call one of our aircraft after him and want to use his RCAF rank as well. Please get in touch. Best regards Dave Hunter EastWest Aviation Derby UK
Norman E. Hahn Jr. from Eau Claire, Wisconsin USA wrote on 29/01/2019 at 4:00 pm
My late Father, Norman E. "Kee" Hahn went up to Canada in 1940, joined the RCAF and became a bomber pilot. He was posted to England, Malta & Africa. I have put together his and his mates story here: http://nmcb62alumni.org/NormanKeeHahn/index.html I would like to return the letters written from Canadian Mothers to his Mother back to the authors families. There are also many photos that I would like to return to the families. I have a list of the letters to be returned. Email me for more information at normhahnjr@yahoo.com
Paul Desormeaux from Ottawa wrote on 27/01/2019 at 4:09 pm
Nice site.
Tony Whittingham from Mississauga wrote on 11/01/2019 at 10:02 pm
I’m looking for information on Flight Lieutenant Michael Manley RCAF, I’m curious to know where he served.
Jim Novak from Beaumont AB wrote on 29/12/2018 at 2:07 pm
I served 5 years with RCAF 1958 to 1963 as a Radar Tech (Air). Trained at Clinton. Would like to find some of my old class mates. Only worked at Portage La Prairie and Greenwood.
Richard W Miller from Mermaid, PE wrote on 19/12/2018 at 8:57 pm
My father LAC Wilbur F Miller was a radar mechanic in 10 Bomber Reconnaissance Squadron, 10(BR) stationed at Gander, Nfld. (1941-1944). The squadron was known as the North Atlantic Squadron and Dumbo, the elephant, was their unofficial logo.
Lawrence McPhee from Corona, Califorina USA wrote on 28/11/2018 at 12:54 am
My mother was in FCO (Fighter Control Organization?) in 1952 and was stationed in Quebec at a radar base. Her name is Lorna Christine Johannson. Is there any way to find any of her fellow air women? I am her son. She passed away on September 10, 2018.
Dj Orton from Montgomery, UK wrote on 24/11/2018 at 5:17 am
Trying to contact relatives of Sgt E. L. Levert 141353 RCAF. Wellington LN379ntook off from 3 OADU ( RAF Hurn ) bound for Morocco in the early hours of 7/9/1943 but developed engine problems. All credit to the pilot he managed to crash land the aircraft and both he and Sgt Levert survived. My uncle died in the crash. Sgt Levert visited my grandparents some time after the crash. Any family history of the incident. Thank you.
John Fairman from Birmingham Uk wrote on 07/11/2018 at 5:18 am
Sir, Whilst going through my late Mother's things I found a photograph of a young airman . This photograph was anotated as being 'Bud' Moss. I have been able to identify 'Bud' as being F/O C. Moss who was a member of 427 Squadron but died on 4th July 1944. Bud was just 21 y.o.at the time the photograph was taken. I feel that this photograph of , even though it is quite small, belongs where it can be appreciated by more people who understand the sacrifice Bud and many of his peers paid. Can you offer any suggestions where I can send this photograph? Yours respectfully, John.
LOUISA DUMONT from PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO, CANADA wrote on 06/11/2018 at 7:24 pm
I am searching for Robert Campbell, was stationed in Summerside PEI 1962-1963 possibly longer. He was born in Edmonston, NB, possibly between 1937-1942.
Cheryl Johnson wrote on 31/10/2018 at 3:08 pm
I was wondering is anyone knew if these servicemen were still around: JP Potvin, Clerk, Service Number 87182 who resided at 325 14 Ave. South Shebrooke, PQ and JG Menard, Magasinier, Service Number 36496 who resided at 22 Foch St. St. Jean, PQ. They served at St. Jean in 1967 and witnessed an RCAF will for my dad. I just need to know if they are still alive for the notary.
Tony Charters from Sydenham, ON wrote on 11/10/2018 at 12:57 pm
Hi, I am leading a project to record all Comm & Elec (C&E) Memorials. see http://www.rcsigs.ca/index.php/CandE_Memorials_Project . I'm looking for a RCAF "communicator" to research the memorials associated with the Pinetree System, CFSRS, Clinton, etc. It is not an onerous job and is done in "retired time". One of the benefits of the project will be to identify those memorials in need of maintenance and pass that info onto the C&E Branch leadership for action. Please contact me at tmcharters@gmail.com if interested. Thanks
John Scott from Sudbury wrote on 09/10/2018 at 4:24 pm
I received a brass ID bracelet inscribed J.I. ANDREWS with what looks like D.606688. along with 2 eagle facing left sleeve insignia (one has Canada) Trying to locate information and/or family so these may go "home". Where do I begin?
Richard St-Pierre from Kemptville wrote on 04/10/2018 at 11:39 am
Please contact me at rstp2@hotmail.com
Richard St-Pierre from Kemptville wrote on 04/10/2018 at 11:37 am
Hello, my father Denis St-Pierre passed away last week. He served from 1953 to 1988. His dying wish was to be buried in his uniform. We’ve found everything but the light blue shirt. His jacket size is 7044. He will be exposed on Tuesday October 9th. I have been able to order from any DND related source. Can someone help?
Mark Deutscher from Joffre wrote on 01/10/2018 at 3:42 pm
Hi. I’m interested in finding out if my Grandmother was actually at one time in a BBC radio program dubbed “The Mother of The Royal Canadian Airforce” for the number of her sons at one time in active service. Family name Deutscher. This has been something I’ve grown up hearing, from my Uncles but I’ve grown more curious after reading some log book entries of one of my uncles. What can your organization do to direct my investigation? Anything will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Mark
Sue from Langley wrote on 11/09/2018 at 11:09 pm
Am looking for any info on my uncle William Ernest Durrell, DOB 12 Aug 1909 Manitoba, DOD 30 Mar 1981 Victoria BC. Was a pilot in the RCAF, would love any info on his WW2 years.
JP Ferron from St-Hubert QC wrote on 31/08/2018 at 8:37 pm
I have several F-86, CF-104 photos that I am willing to share . !969-1970
Anthony Woods from LincolnUK wrote on 30/08/2018 at 3:41 pm
Hi, I’m trying to locate Robert (Bob) Walsh, When I served in Goose Bay 1994 to 1996 we became good friends. He was a driver in the Royal Canadian Air Force and if memory serves me correctly he was from Cornerbrook, Newfoundland. Any help in finding him would be great. I know he was posted to Cold Lake after Goose but sadly we lost touch after that. He would know me as Woody.
Barry D. Lee from Coeur d'Alene Idaho USA wrote on 05/08/2018 at 7:18 pm
66968 lac Lee BD Looking for RTG Airmen who were stationed in Alsask, Sask. 1962/1965
Rob Sutherland from Sicamous, BC wrote on 26/07/2018 at 4:19 pm
My Uncle, R87673 Warrant Officer Sidney Stowe flew Wellingtons with 419 Sqn during WW2. He and his crew were shot down over Holland. Your sight proved to have some great background information on the Sqn and Sid's crew to take with me when I head to Holland and France to see his grave sight and the grave of another Uncle KIA during the First World War in Sancourt, France. Thanks for all of your efforts in maintaining the Squadron's history
sharon from Bath wrote on 07/06/2018 at 11:02 am
Trying to locate family named McCormick , father was AirForce, last name McCormick, in 1979 lived in Amherst NS, before that Summerside PEI. Father born 1937, Anyone have any idea if someone knows them,
Lydia Lanese from Limoges wrote on 21/05/2018 at 1:00 pm
God bless the Military in their over and above beyond courageous duties. Granddaughter of deceased WW1 Captain and Knight of Italian Military, Federico Lanese, whom also was a Military Pilot. Neice of deceased WW1 Italian Military, Luigi Lanese, Instructor of La Tripoli. Neice of retired Italian Military, Murielle Saccilotto, domiciled in Italy.
Robert de Hartog from Ottawa wrote on 17/05/2018 at 5:06 pm
Hello. I had a unique experience yesterday when I happened to have a discussion with a gentleman at the parking lot of a shopping centre in Ottawa. Carlingwood shooping centre is visited mainly by seniors such as myself. This gentleman was commenting on my new car as he walked past so we entered upon a lovely but short discussion. I immediately notice his impeccable appearance as were his choice and deportment of his casual golf attire. I notice an RCAF cap pin on his cap and that is what started our conversation. It so happens that this chap was turning 100 years old this month so I asked him about his service. He told me that he was in the RCAF for 57 years and that he was an aeronautical engineer. I took the opportunity to introduce myself as the son af a Dutch pilot by my same name who served in the RAF 139 Wind 2nd Tactical Air Force 320 Squadron and that he was one of the few Dutch evacuees from the area of Dunkirk at the end of May 1940. I was so impressed with this gentleman as he was absolutely straight backed, wearing neither glasses or hearing aids and he was about to hop into his BMW coupe. He waved as he left the parking lot. To my total discredit, I never asked his name. But should I meet him again at that shopping centre I will find out his name and update this small note as I believe that there are not too many 100 year old veterans of the RCAF still remaining. Ironically, as I entered your web site, the front page is adorned by a B25 Mitchell bomber, the aircraft as flown by my father during Market Garden '44.
Nancy Prendergast from Toronto wrote on 07/05/2018 at 7:54 pm
Chaplain Bob D, in case you see this, I think William Prendergast is my uncle. My father was his younger brother, Don, who wanted to serve in the RCAF like Bill but was too young. He joined the army at 17 1/2 shortly before WW2 ended. In his retirement he restored planes for the Warplane Heritage Museum in Hamilton, Ontario.
Claude lafleur from Ottawa wrote on 29/04/2018 at 9:13 pm
My father-in-law was Sgt. Robert E. Toomey, a flight engineer on Lancaster KB751/NA-Q, which was shot down into the sea off Denmark. He was the only survivor, and became a POW after he swam ashore onto the occupied Danish island Sejero. I have recently finished a website that recounts his ordeal as prisoner on the "long march" after the evacuation of POW camps in January 1945. While at Stalag Luft VII and Stalag III-A he recorded the names, addresses, squadron, rank and duty of many fellow POWs, as well as when and where they were shot down. His diary contains the POW photos of many fellow prisoners. Several prisoners signed "name cards" and airforce insignia drawings that he made while in camp. Maybe you will find your relative among those mentioned in his diary: https://sites.google.com/site/wardiaryofroberttoomey/ Enjoy
Claude Lafleur from Ottawa wrote on 26/04/2018 at 9:18 am
My father-in-law, Sgt Robert E. Toomey was a flight engineer on Lancaster KB751 of the RCAF 428 “Ghost” Squadron. He was the only survivor of his crew when they were shot down off the coast of Denmark returning from a raid on the port area of Stettin, Germany on August 16/17, 1944. He became a prisoner at Stalag Luft 7 and endured the long march of more than 250 kilometers to Stalag 3A in January 1945. I have created a website dedicated to Robert Toomey and to RAF Bomber Command that shows pages from his diary and many photos and drawings he made in camp that were signed by his fellow POWs. Over 80 fellow prisoners are mentioned, and there were POW id photos in his diary with the airmen’s home addresses, squadron, position and the location and date they were shot down. Here is the link to Sgt. Robert Toomey’s memorial website, dedicated to all who served in RAF Bomber Command. https://sites.google.com/site/wardiaryofroberttoomey/
Colin E. Lumby from Calgary wrote on 26/02/2018 at 6:31 pm
My friend Brian Millar in France is announcing the placement of a plaque memorializing thr crew of Handley Page Halifax JP240. The aeroplane crashed at Pierre-Noir France on 25th of June 1944. I have tried to locate relatives of the 6 RCAF personnel. So far I have found only one. Howard Sneath's nephew Doug knows about the plaque. I need more room to list the crew.
Dean Black from Renfrew wrote on 16/12/2017 at 2:00 pm
Chaplain Bob D, please write to director@airforce.ca
Chaplain Bob D from Boston MA wrote on 04/12/2017 at 8:04 pm
William Prendergast is a 94 year old man who was part of the RCAF in WWII. He said he served his flying time in the USA. I'm trying to put together his military service in the RCAF so I can honor him for his service. There are several pictures of himself and his buddies hanging up in his room. Unfortunately he can't remember names or squadron or type of airplane. He says he was a pilot of a twin engine, two bladed prop airplane. I have copies of his pictures and I'd love to share them, both for history and to get more information about Bill. Who would I send them to? Help please!
David Perry from Hong Kong wrote on 27/11/2017 at 9:29 pm
I would appreciate any information on Pilot Officer WDC Beck J23346 who served in the RCAF in WW2. I have a set of navigation dividers in a small wooden marked box dated 1942/3 that belonged to Beck and would be happy to pass these to any interested relative.
Jan Nieuwenhuis wrote on 23/11/2017 at 2:05 pm
For those interested... On 1st October my new "World War II Allied Aircraft Crashes in the Netherlands & North Sea" website was launched! The purpose of the website is to help researchers, family members and any one interested, to search for detailed information about Allied Aircraft Crashes in The Netherlands and North Sea in the Second World War. Please note that not (yet) all crashes are available in the database, though it is gradually filled with more data... (See "Modifications" button on the website). At present the database lists the information on 1368 crashed aircraft, 6505 crew members (of which 863 RCAF), and 641 cemeteries/memorials... The address to go to is: https://www.airwar4045.nl
BING NEARING from BIXBY OK. wrote on 23/11/2017 at 10:06 am
Looking for information about RCAF members that joined early 1953 from Cape Breton
Patricia Young from North Vancouver wrote on 21/11/2017 at 11:06 pm
My Dad, James Harold Wright was a Leading Air Craftsman in the RCAF (Squadron 403). He enlisted in 1943 and went overseas in 1944. I am interested in learning about where and when this Squadron went to in Europe. Where do I begin my search. My Dad will soon by 94 years old but sadly he has severe dementia.
Bruce West from London wrote on 17/11/2017 at 4:53 pm
My father-in-law’s RCAF WW 2 service record shows that he was attached to the No. 8 Aircrew Holding Unit in June 1945. Does anyone know where it was located ?
Maureen M. Smith from York, Englan d wrote on 08/11/2017 at 12:59 pm
I am looking for any information regarding WOII Gordon Thomas Hillman who died during WWII, he is buried in Berlin War Cemetery, I have the Plot and photograph etc. but would love to know something of his life during his service in the RCAF. Many thanks in anticipation
David Broxham from Worthing uk wrote on 26/10/2017 at 8:55 am
Our uncle Maurice Nichols sadly passed away recently. He served in the Royal Canadian Airforce after WW2 and throughout his working life as a load master on Hercules Aircraft. We would like to place his ashes in a suitable memorial place close to Edmonton, Alberta. Any help to arrange this would be appreciated. Thankyou
Jan Nieuwenhuis wrote on 20/10/2017 at 3:39 pm
A few weeks ago my new "World War II Allied Aircraft Crashes in the Netherlands & North Sea" website was launched! The address to go to is: https://www.airwar4045.nl Currently the database lists the detailed information on 1359 crashed aircraft, 6435 crew members, and 622 cemeteries/memorials... Any comments/corrections and/or more information is most welcome...
James Horne from Kentville, NS wrote on 20/10/2017 at 9:04 am
My Father, Ken Horne, died in November, 2010 but curiously I'm thinking of today's cairn re-dedication. Dad's friend Clay Bird flew Hallies in WW2. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Donald Dulmage from Belleville wrote on 16/10/2017 at 10:43 am
Both parents. Were in RCAF in WW2. Mom Flt Sgt. Dad Instructor No 1 WirelessSchool. I need a AT1 RCAF transmitter to go with my AR2 receivler. Any reoairable condition. Nice website
Wayne Levesque from Dorval wrote on 13/10/2017 at 11:11 am
My father, Nelson Levesque was an F86 pilot with 422 Squadron based in Baden-Baden Germany. We had two beer steins with the squadron emblem and pewter lids with the F-86 on top. They were both destroyed and I have been trying to locate another one. Can anyone help? Thanks.
Lisa Addinall from York wrote on 12/10/2017 at 6:50 am
Was honoured to meet some of you today at the memorial service in Newton On Ouse.
Vince Munro from London, On wrote on 02/10/2017 at 2:00 pm
Looking for James Ross Mason, Navigator of Halifax MkIII LV-879 QB-A, the only survivor of the crew. LV879 was shot down over Giessen Germany 31 March,1944 on their return trip from Nuremberg, Germany. Our website (www.rcaf424.ca) is dedicated to John Doig's Crew. Lest we Forget
Ken Cothliff from Leeds, Yorkshire wrote on 09/09/2017 at 6:58 am
I am son of RCAF Flt. Engineer, Bill 'Scotty' Gracie KIA. 5 Aug '44 Now historian and author of book "Under the Maple Leaf". I can offer guided tour of 6(RCAF) Group airfileds in Yorkshire. Anybody intersted should contact me direct at kencothliff@hotmail.co.uk.
MAJOR (retired) David S. Blackburn, CD from Edmonton wrote on 02/09/2017 at 7:18 pm
It is with a heavy heart that I write to inform the RCAF Association that my mother Mary Lillian Blackburn (née Banks) passed away peacefully with family at her side on Sunday, August 27, 2017 at 8:55 AM EST at the Ottawa Civic Hospital. Mom was 78 years of age. Mom was a Fighter Cop having served in St.Jean QC, Northern Canada on the DEW Line and in Metz France. Rest In Peace Mom.
Jill Bloom from Langley, BC wrote on 31/08/2017 at 3:36 pm
I am seeking any RCAF Veteran living in my area who would occasionally consider visiting my father, Col. John L Twambley (Retired) who had an extensive military flying career from early 1950's to '80s. He lives in an Assisted Living unit and would love to "talk about the good ole days!"
Heather (Nelson) Johannson from Peachland, formerly Vancouver wrote on 25/08/2017 at 8:11 pm
While looking for my father in the picture of the 408 Squadon based in Linton on Ouse, last year, I found my Mother instead. I retuned this year with my Dad's photo album and have allowed the Museum to take copies and use them in their displays. What a wonderful museum.
Stephanie Dejager from Revelstoke wrote on 16/08/2017 at 12:15 am
Thank you for all that you do with keeping and postings records from WW2. My grandfather was a squadron leader for the RCAF in the Battle of Britain. Any pictures and information other than what is posted would be greatly appreciated. His name was Charles Warren Trevena.
William Harding from Irvine Scotland wrote on 07/08/2017 at 10:46 am
Hi i'm trying to trace my fathers background ( Francis William Haring )of which I know nothing about. Born in Ontario district in 1915, he served from what I can see in his service record he served with the Canadian Aux Air Force from Dec 1935 till Nov 1938 Service Number 807130 he thwn enlisted with the Commandos in Southampton April 1939.. Can anyone tell where to look to find out any records of military service in the Armed Forces Please. Thank You Willam Harding
Tania wrote on 27/07/2017 at 6:28 pm
Hi looking for any friends or relatives of my grandfather Joseph Lionel herve Quesnel Rear gunner 432 squadron.
Brian Gosselin from Verdun wrote on 08/07/2017 at 5:48 pm
Hello, I am searching for the service record of my father who served in the RCAF in WW2. Any help for where I may find this info? All I have is his RCAF Service and Pay book that provides a minute amount of information such as an Air Force number, date of enlistment, etc.
John Nixon from Owen Sound wrote on 08/07/2017 at 1:05 pm
Does anyone know why this data base is now inaccessible for all names by alphabetical order. I have used for 8 years and was always able to pull up all names alphabetically. What gives now? It knick me into a "single" search and my father in laws name is "not found" although was found for the last 8 years .
Kyle Broadbent from Richland, WA, USA wrote on 29/06/2017 at 1:58 am
My Grandfather, Lavar Halle Richardson, left the US and joined the RCAF during WWII before the US go in. Im looking for any information that people may have about his time in the RCAF. Thanks for any help you can provide! Crossing my fingers. Email me: kyle.broadbent1981@gmail.com
Frederick Kozak from Calgary wrote on 23/06/2017 at 5:38 pm
Another good one goes to the great beyond... Morley ("Mork") Brown. http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/thestarphoenix/obituary.aspx?pid=185890410
Richard Orr from Kansas City, MO USA wrote on 20/06/2017 at 7:25 pm
Hello, I am trying to find information about an American married to my mother. His name is Ted Kelly and he was shot down during WWII. Ted and my mother were college sweethearts and ended up marrying each other. Shortly thereafter Ted went to war and was shot down in Europe. They were married scarcely a year. I am the son of my mother, Murl Spellman Kelly-Orr. She married my dad in 1945 and it was many years later in life that mom told me about Ted. I also have photos of him, one particularily of him in his flight suit at an airfiled holding a "Teddy Bear". Being a big history buff, I would love to learn about the circumstances with his entry into the RCAF and his death in Europe. I cannot find a thing about him on-line. Your response would be much appreciated.
Pamela Fuller from Forestburg wrote on 11/06/2017 at 6:35 pm
I'm looking for any and all information and pictures of my great uncle Donald Marvin Peterson. He was around 16 years old in the Royal Canadian Air Force 1953. Anything would be helpful and greatly appreciated.
Mimi Jeffery from Delta, B.C. wrote on 09/06/2017 at 12:01 am
Looking for my Father's records ..joined 1939 and was a Trainer. I know he transferred to the Armed Forces later on. "William George JEFFERY"
Dan Fontaine from Brandon MB wrote on 06/06/2017 at 6:16 pm
Looking for history of 502 Wing Air Force Association.
Bruce Rivington from Toronto, On. wrote on 06/06/2017 at 4:23 pm
Hello, I am looking for information regarding my father, Edwin Rivington. He served in the RCAF from 1941 to 1945. He was in Squadron 409 or 2451. His RCAF number was R95992. If anyone can help me, please let me know. Thank you
Kathleen Foster from Pt. Colborne, ON wrote on 31/05/2017 at 2:08 pm
Hello I am trying to help a lady to find out if her brother's body was ever found. He died post war 1953 on a military plane headed for the Yukon Territories. He flew as a Navigator during WW2 in the Avro Arrow and Lancaster bombers. Here is a link to his name as a post war casualty. His name was Edward James Couchman. https://www.rcafassociation.ca/heritage/post-war-data/post-war-casualties-air-miscellaneous-units/ 3 116 Flight Lieutenant Johnson, James Hall CT-133 Silver Star III 21541 25 .... Flying Officer Couchman, Edward James CC-129 Dakota 985 28 January 1953 If you could suggest a link or contact # for RCAF that could help her, it would be great! Thanks very much.
Karel Menard from Longueuil wrote on 09/05/2017 at 10:14 pm
I'm looking for any information about LAC Vincent Ernest Lemire who served with the RCAF in England during WWII.
Jelle Ywema from Leeuwarden- Netherlands wrote on 02/05/2017 at 3:27 pm
Currently when I click on an alphabetic list in the 1914-1939 section - RCAF personnel 1939-1949 and other sections, I see "Nothing found" whereas first I would be able to see pages and pages of airmen. Is this a change in the website? In that case I am not really happy about this and would prefer to see it changed back
June Gray from Winnipeg,Manitoba wrote on 26/04/2017 at 11:35 am
My dear Mom was a Veteran of the British Air Force and she came to Canada as a war bride in 1946. She loved her time in the WAF's and always spoke highly of the fellowship during WWII. She recently passed at the age of 97 1/2 years young and faithfully attended Nov. 11 services till this past year! Always loving the Air Force Band and had to sit front row at our convention center!!!THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!
Kurt from Nelson wrote on 19/04/2017 at 10:03 pm
Hello I'm looking for information on My Grandfather Captain Leslie Robert Hart he commanded the Halifax in wwII with the RCAF
William Hewitt from Toronto wrote on 11/04/2017 at 4:06 pm
Unable to find any entries in this data base on RCAF Navigator Sergeant Robert Thomas Hayes, Service # R225060 and POW # 83678 in Stalag 4B. Is this data base complete? Other information sources. Secret service and/or spy services not included?
Anne Rentz from West Islip NY wrote on 10/04/2017 at 9:57 am
Looking for info on Harold Ryan, uncle. One of just a few who survived WW2. He was a fighter pilot Thank you
raymond crouse from salmon river wrote on 09/04/2017 at 4:39 pm
looking for info on my grandfather ,was aero engine mechanic during ww2 in Winnipeg ,ca any help
Richard Neumann from Independence wrote on 05/04/2017 at 1:58 pm
Anyone know of Pierre Laliberte? I'm looking for his association in the Canadian RAF.
Margaret Morrison from Scotland wrote on 03/04/2017 at 7:33 pm
I am searching for details of my late mother's cousin Andrew Glass who served in RCAF. He was stationed in Germany early 1950s or 1960s and he came to visit us in Scotland. Shortly afterwards he went back to Canada and unfortunately died of a heart attack either on the plane or soon after he landed. I.d be grateful for any help you can give me.
Don McLeod from 165 Egerton Street, London, Ontario wrote on 28/03/2017 at 10:36 am
Would anyone know if Barry Needham from Saskatewan and former Secretary, Western Wing Canadian Fighter PIlots Association (around 2008) is active. He would be in his 90's. Or if a family member could please contact me. Please advise. Thank you. Don. 519-667-4016
John Jnoes from London UK wrote on 25/03/2017 at 6:27 pm
I wonder if you could solve a mystery for me. According to RAF Fighter Command Losses of WW2 by Franks the following aircraft belongs to 403 RCAF Squadron. Spitfire IX MK843. There seems to be no record of pilot/Squadron serial or cause of loss. Many Thanks John RAF Veteran (Medic)
Bob Davies from Canberra wrote on 06/03/2017 at 10:58 pm
Trying to get in touch with Ron Bertrand, a P3 tacho I did ADAC with in Halifax in 1990 - if anyone can help or pass on my email I'd be grateful pupdavies@gmail.com
Jessica from Ponoka wrote on 02/03/2017 at 6:09 pm
Hello. I'm searching for any information on my grandfather. Last contact was 1966. He was with the RCAF and stationed at CFB Summerside in 1961. His name is/was William Taylor. We believe he may have resided in Ontario. Thanks everyone
JOHN F YARWOOD from HORSHAM wrote on 28/02/2017 at 9:53 pm
I'm currently collecting information and images of Canadian military chits for a proposed book. Any help would be appreciated. Johnyarwood254@gmail.com
L. Brooklyn from Kelowna wrote on 18/02/2017 at 8:28 pm
Hello, I am searching for the service record of my uncle who served in the RCAF in WW2. Any help for where I may find this info?
Elaine wrote on 18/02/2017 at 7:25 pm
Good afternoon: I have a big project - Veterans Living History for our Legion, Branch #44 Whitecourt Alberta. A 90 year old sister of a pilot who apparently was shot down during WW2, but the details of burial place, date of death (1944) was not clear in her memory. His name was Edward Borkowsky, service #189482. There is a lake named after him in Manitoba. I can't find any information although I have done several internet searches. I hope that you can help us find more information, both for his sister and her family and some for our Legion. Thank you very much for any information you can forward on.
Sjoerd Looijenga from Drouwen wrote on 27/01/2017 at 10:09 am
Looking for information about and trying to trace any living relatives of the crew of: Halifax Mk.II - W1113 - LQ-G - 30 June 1942 - Mission: Bremen Shot down and crashlanded in Noordwolde, a village in the Northern part of the Netherlands. James William “Sammy” Bell (28) McAdam Junction, New Brunswick, Canada. Warrant Officer – Air Observer - Royal Canadian Air Force - R/64880 Winston James Dickinson (25) Woodstock, provincie New Brunswick, Canada. Flight sergeant - Wireless Operator / Air Gunner - Royal Canadian Air Force - R/84563 Paul Patrick Augustus Oneson (26) Dorval, Quebec, Canada Flight Sergeant - Wireless Operator / Air Gunner - Royal Canadian Air Force - R/56246
Gerald Beck from Saskatoon wrote on 03/01/2017 at 9:29 pm
Hello I am still looking for information on My Father Anton L Beck (Tony) who served in WWII .His number #k5576921 .He was in the RAF went over seas to Castle Archdale (Ireland) as an aero mechanic Squadron #422 (Short Sunderlands) And became a Navigational Engineer. He was born in South Allan near Saskatoon Saskatchewan . Any help in this matter would be appreciated as the Veterans Affairs do not help
GLamb from Vancouver wrote on 31/12/2016 at 10:28 am
I'm grandson of Alexander Lamb who served @ Rockcliffe Airport during 2nd WW as believe he was a bombardier trainer and mechanic, looking for any information about him, as have very little. Please phone 604-876-8275, thanks.
Annabelle wa d from Liecester wrote on 26/12/2016 at 4:17 pm
Looking for my grandad haven't got much information has my father as passed away all I no that he was in world war 11 based in cambridge met my gran named connie had a little boy my dad,he lived in Canada came over here for the war his surname was Bryce so looking for any help how to find him or family
jim hiuser from grand bend wrote on 23/12/2016 at 4:44 pm
Hi , I served aug 67- oct 74 aete cold lake and 4 wing {snags} would like to here from all who served with me.cpl aero eng tech
Lew King from Calgary wrote on 21/12/2016 at 11:03 pm
former member 403 while squadron was in Calgary. Member 702 wing RCAFA. Past President ANAFV in Canada Unit 2 Calgary
Abby from Calgary wrote on 06/12/2016 at 10:54 pm
Hello, I'm looking to find information on John Fairfield Francis Vanier, born August 2, 1914. During the war years he was posted to various spots around Canada, working as an aircraft inspector on Anson and Mosquito aircraft, and on the still secret Project Z. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Ray Wetmore from Cherry Point, Alberta wrote on 06/12/2016 at 12:30 pm
Would like to connect with some I served with in Trenton, Ont. in late 60s.
John Pattison from York wrote on 26/11/2016 at 2:30 am
Would like information about Dougie Ellman, who was stationed at Linton on Ouse, and lodged with my parents in Tang Hall duringWW11. Many Thanks
Trevor "T.R." Hosier from Lindsay, Ontario wrote on 24/11/2016 at 10:30 pm
Tribute to The RCAF - My Dad (Robert Hosier) was very proud of his involvement with the RCAF back the 1940's having trained as a bomb aimer and pilot. It was a pride he carried with him throughout his life. He also spoke fondly of the great "Tiger Moth" trainer. Dad passed in 2006 but it brought him much pleasure knowing my work as a Psychotherapist allowed me to support and work with our Veterans from time to time... it still brings me great pleasure as well. It also brings me great pride to be member of the RCAF Association. Best Wishes, Trevor
Don DeMill from Delta, BC wrote on 22/11/2016 at 12:48 am
I'm the son of one of Ron Butcher's crew mates on the Lady be good: tail gunner Alf DeMill. If Ron's still with us I'd love very, very much to meet him!