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583 entries.
John Rees from Llanelli Wales wrote on 10/01/2022 at 2:03 pm
Message for John Jones, London. With ref to your post about DT-P of 192 Squadron, see Facebook group 192 Squadron Research Group where a full appears about this incident.
Jean Michel Dozier from Wambrechis - France wrote on 10/01/2022 at 11:29 am
Hello from France. I research family of F/O David Alexander LENNIE (J24617) fallen in France 10/05/1944 - Arrested in a maquis 22/05/1944. After Cahors prison, he was sent to Saint-Michel prison in Toulouse. Perhaps he left his memories on this difficult period of his life? I work during the period June-July-August 1944 in this Toulouse prison which were terrible for many Resistance fighters. With many thanks I also saw a message asking for information on Sqn Ldr Lorne Maxwell CAMERON (Spitfire MJ131) which fell on 3/07/1944 near Falaise in Normandy and which went through SEES. He was taken prisoner on 07/31/1944 near BORDEAUX and it is possible that he was sent to Saint-Michel prison in Toulouse. Very best - Jean Michel
Anna Fachina from Parkhill wrote on 08/01/2022 at 10:27 am
My mother told us very little about a plane that was downed outside of Achtmaal , Nord Brabant in the Netherlands... we are not sure which plane that was or where exactly-- only people with a First Aid diploma were allowed on-site; they were given part of the parachute, which she had made into a beautiful bright yellow silk blouse, but she never wore it... it was opened up when we opened up the box of special memorabilia at spring cleaning. Any info on that area, just north of the Dutch/Belgian border?
Monty Staddon from Valognes, France. wrote on 06/01/2022 at 2:18 pm
A flying logbook has come into my possession and I would like to forward it to the owner if still living or to any descendants. 1462219 LAC (later F/Off) Homer S, RCAF. The log covers initial flying training (1942) and lastly Lancaster pilot UK - last entry Feb 21 1946 Dunkeswell. It is possible he remained in England after the war, maybe the South West.
BGen (Ret'd) James Selbie (Late RCA) from OTTAWA wrote on 04/01/2022 at 9:40 pm
I would like to request that the name of my father, CANR110863 LAC James Still Selbie, of Brandon MB, be added to the list of ground crew of wartime 437 Squadron RCAF found on this site. Thank you for your assistance.
James Tushingham from Guelph wrote on 03/01/2022 at 5:11 pm
Hello I am trying to find a copy of the Air Force Review of June 1943. According to a note that I have, my father PO Mel Tushingham, was on the front cover. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Tammy Harris from Coleman AB wrote on 28/12/2021 at 4:43 am
I am looking for information on my great grand Uncle Michael Walter Bachinski who was the flight engineer on the KB700 bomber.
Janet Kinrade Dethick from Rosignano Marittimo Italy wrote on 25/12/2021 at 5:40 pm
I am looking for a Canadian Pilot who had come down over Italy and who crossed over the Alps into Switzerland on 29 April 1944. His service number is J26704 and his surname could be Parama. Any information would be gratefully received.
Donald W Rushton from PORT ELGIN wrote on 14/12/2021 at 7:39 pm
Researched the 417 Squadron history in preparing photos and docs for Bruce County Museum of my father Dean Rushton, Cpl. R91219 airframe mechanic/pilot who served with the 417 through the "Desert War" then in Sicily and Italy. Of note, he and others who completed pilot training in Palestine, were commissioned as pilots and flew missions never received their "wings" since a "finishing /advanced pilot training course" only given in England was required.
Margaret Eldridge from Saugeen Shores wrote on 01/12/2021 at 2:46 am
I am looking for any information you might have on Beverly Gordon Kitchen, killed in a crash in England in 1944.
laurent fournier from SANNOIS wrote on 17/11/2021 at 4:58 am
Hello, I have a picture of a Mosquito flying under the Eiffel Tower on september 14th 1944. My photo is different from the one taken by the Stars & Stipes photographer. I would like to know if someone could give me the code letters (maybe KP-C?) and the s/n of this Mosquito, suposedly flown by W/O Bob Boorman RCAF (pilot) and by Flt/Sgt Bill Bryant (Nav). Thanking you in advance. Best regards Laurent (Larry) Fournier
Robert Robitaille from Montréal wrote on 16/11/2021 at 9:32 am
Je suis membre AFACA (616000) et vétéran FAC (88026). Âgé de 75 ans, j'envisage un retour aux études en ligne dans le but d'obtenir un baccalauréat en administration des affaires. Un vieux rêve enfoui, un besoin de briser l'isolement, d'acquérir de nouvelles connaissances et faire de nouveaux contacts. Retiré du marché depuis 20 ans pour cause de choc post-traumatique, j'ai besoin de 3 lettres de recommandation de professionnels oeuvrant dans le même domaine pour obtenir reconnaissance des acquis. Un coup de pouce serait grandement apprécié. CV complet disponible sur demande. Saurez-vous m'aider?
Don Joyce from Ottawa wrote on 09/11/2021 at 1:09 pm
My father, A.W.T. Joyce was a navigator on 422 Squadron Sunderlands during WW2. His plane crashed into the Bay of Biscay in 1943 and the crew of 12 spent 3 1/2 days in dinghies before being rescued. I produced this commemorative video in their memory: https://youtu.be/rX3Lfteok9U
Claude Vadeboncoeur from Sutton wrote on 05/11/2021 at 1:59 pm
Very disappointed to see that everything is in english only. Claude Vadeboncoeur CD
Jacqueline Garber Dunn from Woodinville, WA, USA wrote on 03/11/2021 at 5:49 pm
Under 432 CF100 fatalities you have my husband’s surname misspelled. It is Flight Lieutenant Garber, R, regimental number 240293 killed on 27 April 1967. You entered “Gerber” which is incorrect.
Norris Gillen from belmont wrote on 25/10/2021 at 7:43 pm
My Father was a Flying Officer, WW11,Navigator, J36122, Norman Gillen, Leeming, Yorkshire, England, RCAF..Halifax Bomber..He and his crew made 32 flights against the enemy..I have in my possession all his navigational charts and paper work for all those flights...Plus the WW11 Bronze plaque of the Bisson Squadron..If you are interested in seeing these items please contact me. Norris Gillen @norrisgillen@outlook.com
Mike Willoughby from Reading, UK wrote on 22/10/2021 at 1:03 pm
Pilot Officer 42808 Donald Seymour Dadson died in the crash of No 6 SFTS Havard P5784 at Shipton on Cherwell, 3 miles east of Woodstock Oxfordshire UK on 14th March 1940 and is buried in Great Rissington, Churchyard
kevin vinkle from Kirkland Lake wrote on 22/10/2021 at 11:34 am
i cannot find a service picture.we would love to have one to honer his sacrifice with a memorial flag.
kevin vinkle from Kirkland Lake wrote on 22/10/2021 at 11:34 am
i cannot find a service picture.we would love to have one to honer his sacrifice with a memorial flag.
Pat McCarthy from Henderson, TN, USA wrote on 20/10/2021 at 9:22 pm
My father was a top gunner on a Lancaster bomber in ww2 I think stationed in England . How can I find out what his squadron was? He passed 15 years ago. Would love to know some of the history of his squadron. Thank you
Jim Clarke from St Helens wrote on 12/10/2021 at 10:43 am
Hi Everyone I'm looking for ANY details anyone can provide on ROSSINI SPRATLEY from the 1940s All we have at the moment is a vague listing from a heritage site..... 10,813 Spratley,R .. .. Rigger .. Rigger (Aero) Ae.Sgt. (pd.) Sergt. Clerk 26/10/15 1/2/18 6 0 O.E. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance. Jim
Hans van Ekelenburg from Vlaardingen, Netherlands wrote on 08/10/2021 at 1:40 pm
Bleiheim Crashet et Maassluis, Netherlands On 28 August 1941 the Bristol Blenheim Mk. IV V6436 of the 21 Squadron Bomber Command RAF took off, in the early evening, from the Watton Base in Norfolk in England with the mission the Waalhaven in Rotterdam in Rotterdam  The crew, with 17 more aircraft, had the order to attack the ships and installations lying there. After completing his mission, the Blenheim flew back to its bases in England. Unfortunately, he never got there. Around Rotterdam was a large ring of anti-aircraft guns. Also on the, in the outer harbor of Maasluis on the 'Kriegsmarine' frigate lying there, the guns started to roar. The plane was pierced with grenades and immediately caught fire. The crew didn't stand a chance. At 20:10 the evening of the 28th of August, the plane drilled with a thunderous blow into the pasture of farmer Chardon directly behind the Govert van Wijnkade. All three crew members were killed. The crew consisted of: Pilot P/O Frank Kerr Orme 25 years old from rockclife, Ontario Canada Observer P/O Stanley Frederik Maude Gunnis, 23, from Aloa, ClackmannanshireUK Radio/gunner P/O Albert Henry Collins 34 from shepperd's bush (London) UK  
Maria Grimm from Washington, D.C. wrote on 07/10/2021 at 9:27 am
Hello - I am keen to find a RCAF 420 Sqn "Snowy Owls" flight patch for my husband's 50th next year. His grandfather, Navigator John Edwin Hamilton-Jones, fought for the RCAF 420 Sqn during WWII. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated - thank you!
Debra Reynolds from Hereford England wrote on 20/09/2021 at 2:17 pm
I am researching a Air crash that happened on 29th April 1945. when a Wellington Bomber crashed into Moccas Park near Dorstone Herefordshire . On board was five British crew and one Australian RAAF, I am researching the Australian crew member he was Pilot Officer Geoffrey George Minchin Smith 426848 he was attached to RCAF in 1942 where he was awarded his wings . I am looking for any information .Thank you for any help, it is very much appreciated
Warren Woodward from Tallahassee wrote on 01/09/2021 at 2:28 pm
My father was an RCAF Flying Officer during the early days of WWII. I am looking to find an honorable home for his personal items. They include several of his “wing” displays and his medals and photos. Anyone knowing of an RCAF museum or civilian air museum please feel free to contact. We were from Simcoe , Ont. so perhaps a Southern Ontario facility would help. Thanks for your time. Woody Woodward
Heather ONeil from Edmonton wrote on 30/08/2021 at 3:55 pm
Searching for RCAF A. HARRIS 207164... My niece found trunk/kit box addressed to Cpl Harris at Lachine, Que, not sure the year. Anybody have info? thx!
Douglas McWhirter from Toronto wrote on 28/08/2021 at 7:05 pm
Some time ago I saw an excellent book compiled and published by the RCAF Winnipeg Assoc. But I don’t recall it’s title. It was something like “Lest We Forget”. It contained individual paragraphs about each Canadian air crew casualty during WW2. Can you assist my memory?
Hubert Desgagnés from Québec wrote on 22/08/2021 at 1:34 pm
Bonjour. In December 1963, the CCGS Sir Humphrey Gilbert and 404 Squadron were involved in a major SAR operation south of Burgeo, Nfld, not far away from St Pierre et Miquelon islands. The French cargo ship Douala had sunk in a large storm. Two lifeboats were spotted by RCAF SAR aircraft and CCGS SHG was sent to rescue the survivors. 404’s Argus aircrafts were able to localize both lifeboats the day after the sinking in stormy conditions. CCGS Sir Humfrey Gilbert was directed toward the position and she was able to rescue few survivors from the Douala. But some were never recovered. Anyone knows some retired crew members from the Argus aircraft who still have some memories of this SAR operation? Some French family’s members are trying to locate crew members from both the Coast guard vessel and the RCAF aircraft involved for a meeting with the last survivors from the Douala. If you know any RCAF’S members still alive, I can be reached by email hubertd6651@yahoo.fr Hubert Desgagnés, retired Coast Guard SAR Officer, OIC MRSC Québec 418 626 3715 Bonjour. En décembre 1963, le NGCC Sir Humphrey Gilbert et l’escadrille 404 ont été impliqués dans une opération majeure de recherche et sauvetage au large de Burgeo, Terre-Neuve, lors que le cargo français DOUALA s’est retrouvé en détresse dans une tempète. Le navire a coulé et une partie de l’équipage a tenté d’évacuer le navire, non sans grandes difficultés. Un jour après le naufrage, un avion Argus de la RCAF de Greenwood a localisé les embarcations de sauvetage et le NGCC Sir Humphrey Gilbert a été dirigé vers celles-ci. Une partie des survivants ont été rescapés, mais des marins manquaient à l’appel et n’ont jamais été retrouvés. Des membres des familles des marins du DOUALA souhaitent rencontrer si possible, des survivants des équipages de la Garde côtière et des Forces armées canadiennes qui étaient impliqués dans cette opération SAR. Si vous connaissez des retraités des FAC qui sont toujours vivants, s’il vous plait m’en informer pour que je puisse faire suivre leurs coordonnées. Mon adresse couriel est : hubertd6651@yahoo.fr
Robert Bunyar from Swanage, England wrote on 14/08/2021 at 3:20 pm
I've been researching a crash that occurred on 24th November 1944 when a Lancaster X crashed having caught fire in mid - air. The pilot was Richard Gerald Mansfield and according to the details of his death it states he was flying in KB 875. However, I think you will find this is wrong, and it should read KB 785. Such a tragic loss of a crew on a training flight who nearly had completed their tour of duty.
John Thor Dahlburg from TOULOUSE, France wrote on 13/08/2021 at 12:08 am
Bonjour from France. Could anyone kindly direct me to where I could obtain additional information on a Canadian Spitfire pilot shot down July 4, 1944 about 4 miles north of Trun in Normandy, France? French Resistance records give his name, rank and unit as Squadron Leader Lorne Maxwell CAMERON of 401 Squadron, 126 Airfield. I'm very interested in the story of how he made his way over the Pyrenees to safety in Spain, and in contacting any surviving family members (or, of course, Mr. Cameron himself). Thank you and best regards.
John Tranter from New Zealand further to my earlier entry wrote on 12/08/2021 at 9:38 pm
Further to my earlier entry Margaret Jessie Barrie died and is to be buried here in New Zealand her married name was Dicker. Margaret's family would like to have her Air Force service record to have it recorded on her head stone.
John Tranter from Palmerton North, New Zealand wrote on 12/08/2021 at 9:15 pm
I am trying to find out the service record of Margaret Jessie BARRIE . Enlisted 24/05/43 she has passed away here in New Zealand and I am attempting to obtain details of her war service as she has passed away and the details of her service is required for her headstone.
Rosemary Deans from Winnipeg wrote on 04/08/2021 at 4:15 pm
Looking for details about the death of my husband’s uncle. Charles Edward ANDERSON was a casualty of WWII. He was a Flying Officer/Pilot with 298 (R.A.F.) Sqdn. Royal Canadian Air Force~Service No:J/13450. We know that he was killed in action just north of Essoyes, France on August 5th, 1944 and that he is buried in Essoyes. Further research of Flying Officer Anderson’s death revealed that there were three other soldiers on his fateful flight who managed to escape with the help of Mdlle Fortier of Essoyes, known as “Tante Louise” to several British airmen. One of these officers had been found wounded in the rear turret of the downed plane and was taken prisoner by the Germans. He managed to escape the German officers when they stepped into Monsieur Trubert’s Cafe in Essoyes for a drink. Any other details about this manoeuvre or the fate of the other soldiers involved would be great to learn.
Admin Reply by: Dean Black
On 05 August 1944, No.298 and No.644 Squadrons towed 10 Waco gliders for Operation 'DINGSON 35A' in Brittany, France (each glider carried 3 SAS and an armed jeep). No.298 Squadron towed 5 Waco gliders. One Waco glider was lost (team of Pierre Philippon, a French SAS and a former member of the Resistance Movement, Réseau 'Bordeaux-Loupiac', who was from Quimper, Brittany). The SAS teams stayed in occupied territory with their armed jeeps until the arrival of Allies. Their job should be impressive because Germans sticked posters promising 20 000 francs for the capture of each SAS dead or alive! But these SAS were loved and protected by the French people who welcomed them because they were the only British troops in the region. ANDERSON, CHARLES EDWARD F/O(P) J13450. From Garrick, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Aug 5/44 age 21. #298 Squadron. Halifax aircraft #VL 334 lost during operations over enemy territory. Six of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Flying Officer Pilot Anderson is buried in the Communal Cemetery at Essoyes, Aube, France. From https://www.pegasusarchive.org/arnhem/batt_298.htm we learn the following about the only aircraft from 298 Squadron shot down on the night of 5 August 1944: “A similar mission, "Diplomat 9", took place on the 5th August 1944 and an aircraft was shot down by a German fighter; one man died but the remaining crew successfully bailed out.”
Jane Gordon from Kingston, ON wrote on 04/08/2021 at 11:54 am
My grandfather was Air Commodore R. C. Gordon ("Bus"). He joined the RCAF in its infancy and I have a scrap book of photographs from Camp Borden, where he learned to fly. He flew up north for geographic missions and then commanded a bomber base in the UK during WW2. He was also the air attaché in Washington, D. C. after the war. I love reading about his exploits in the RCAF so if anyone has a story, please contact me.
Admin Reply by: Dean Black
Fascinating; thank you for sharing Jane. Pleasure to make your acquaintance. If you would like us to publish about your grandfather and you are willing to share your scrapbook (we will return it) we would be pleased to do so, especially with the RCAF centenary coming up fast - 1 April 2024.
Beverly Duda from BURNSVILLE, MN wrote on 20/07/2021 at 7:02 pm
I am researching a great uncle by marriage, George Dawson. I don't have much background on him other than he was a car salesman in Los Angeles before the war. He was born in 1905 in Australia, and became a US Citizen. Once the war started he joined with the Canadian Air Force. He died while in service. I have no records or pictures for him. Everything has been lost. My research is leading me to believe he died on Canadian soil in a training accident. I'm looking for death certificates or newspapers to confirm this information.
Paul Allonby from Chesterfield, UK wrote on 19/07/2021 at 5:54 am
Hi, regarding P/O John Charles Carriere, from Quebec, who served in the Battle of Britain, some post-Battle info on his later career (via AIR27/966 series Operational Record Books for 140 Sqn held at the UK National Archives - and, like all other ORBs - consultable on-line for free): In September 1941, 140 Squadron was formed as a photo reconnaissance unit based at RAF Benson in Oxfordshire with six Spitfires and six Blenheims, tasked with photographing German bases and fortifications in Occupied Europe, particularly on the Atlantic coast. "JC" had already joined it on August 1st 1941 at RAF Hendon after taking a specialist training course at RAF Duxford, when the Squadron was still called 1416 Flight. That first month with his new unit saw the tempo being set - 10 missions, albeit over the UK, carrying out mapping and defence areas photography for the Army. His first operational mission was on September 27th 1941 when he took a Spitfire to St Valery, on the French coast north of Dieppe, bringing back ''satisfactory'' photographs. A further seven missions were flown that month. Over the next 15 months while he was with 140 Squadron, he flew an average of two missions per week, including a January 1942 night sortie in a Blenehim - rocked by violent electrical storms - over the Channel Islands using air burst ''flashbomb'' illumination to get pictures of the German-occupied island of Sark. On November 6th 1942, he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and was then posted as an instructor away from the Sqn. He survived the war, leaving as a Flight-Lieutenant (and a married man) in November 1945.
Caroline Dick from Montreal wrote on 17/07/2021 at 7:55 am
Hello, I have recently learned more about a member of my family. His name was Pilot Officer Francois Adrien Jean Van Droogenbroeck . He died on July 26, 1944 . I am looking for more information on his medals and missions. I am also trying to find out how family members back in Canada were informed of the death of their loved ones. Thank-you.
Neil Scarbro from Linton on Ouse , N Yorkshire England wrote on 14/07/2021 at 1:24 pm
Dear Sir, After reading of history of your time in our village during the 2nd World War. May I say this to all " Thank you for our freedom we enjoy today" and " Thank you for your service" I myself was in HM Forces for 22 years .Yours sincerely Neil Scarbro
Richard Gibbard from oakley wrote on 25/06/2021 at 5:29 am
I added a story on 11-9-2020 about John Brock Higham my mother's cousin and was contacted by his daughter. I seem to have lost contact details ,can you help?
Christopher B Carveth from Orange, Connecticut USA wrote on 20/06/2021 at 11:34 am
On this (US) Father;s Day I am thinking of my Father, P/O Arthur B. Carveth, RCAF 1939-46. Dad was at CATP Trenton as a Sergeant. After his commission his final wartime posting was as Squadron Adjutant of 415 stationed at East Moor. I have some memorabilia and would be happy to share. cbcarveth50@aol.com
Ric lucas from Canberra wrote on 31/05/2021 at 1:04 am
Charles Tweedle died 10 July 1943. An Italian diver has now found his Wellington off Capo Murro di Porci near Syracuse. My uncle Ken Lucas RAAF died with him. http://www.operation-ladbroke.com/mystery-wellington-bomber-wreck-cape-murro-di-porco/
Marianne R Huyer from Calgary wrote on 16/05/2021 at 1:03 pm
I am looking for guidance. I am researching C.A.O M.Stickwood he served , but family is unable to track him at ALL ! Regimental Service # B-43424 records are highly redacted ( not sure why ) He has passed and his Grandsons are trying to find ANYONE who may have known him.
Micka Perier from VIENTIANE wrote on 13/05/2021 at 9:57 am
Hello ! I'm looking for the identity of Mister Antony (or Anthony) crashed in the field of my family (Glanard Family) spring or summer 1944 in Normandy (B-24 Saint André de l'Eure). I was injured and they took care of him and decided to hide him in their farm. They found back his watch on the crash site. A very important watch for Antony. I've a picture of him in August 1944 with my grand grandmother. Thanks by advance if you have some informations. Best regards Micka Perier
Maj Ken Smith from Comox wrote on 09/05/2021 at 8:05 pm
The list of post war casualties does not include 2 CFFTS, Canadian Forces Flying Training School (the Big Two). Capt Rob Pardell died in a Tutor crash, Moose Jaw, 1999 I believe, and a few others.
Admin Reply by: Dean Black
Thank you so much, Maj Smith. We welcome the help, and any more details you can provide us. Sincerely, Dean Black, CD (director@airforce.ca)
Tony Grand from Northwich UK wrote on 06/05/2021 at 8:44 am
Dear Sir,Whilst conducting some research on behalf of a friend whose grandfather flew as a Mosquito navigator with RAF 139 Squadron, I came across this entry for his pilot.GUEST, CHARLES HUGH F/O(P)J16807, From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed in Action Nov 15/43 age 22. #139Jamaica Squadron (Si Placet Necamus). Target – Bonn, Germany. F/O Guest bailedout but his Mosquito aircraft exploded killing him and the RAF navigator.Flying Officer Pilot Guest is buried in the Monchy Breton Civil Cemetery,France.  The navigator, George Sleeman, in fact bailed out successfully and was a POW from the date of the crash to the end of WWII.I hope that this will be useful.Yours sincerely,Tony Grand
Admin Reply by: Dean Black
Thank you so much, Mr. Grand. We will be pleased to add these important details to our records. Sincerely, Dean Black, Executive Director RCAF Association
Srdjan Gojak from Makarska , Croatia wrote on 03/05/2021 at 2:11 pm
Hi, I know more than a few things about Fl/Lt John McAndrew Brodie. Please correct the date of death, it should be: 14th of February, 1944. Baska Voda, former Yugoslavia. His aircraft was Spitfire F Mk. VIII, JF344, 32 squadron RAF ( RCAF).
DIEGO SANTIBANEZ from Temuco ( Chile) wrote on 29/04/2021 at 9:39 am
Good Morning, Im looking information about my great grand uncle, and i have more information his Name was Sergio Mario Smith Gaete. He use that airplanes Stearman PT- 17 (60hrs) T-6 Texan (350hrs) Spitfire (150 hrs) Wellington (250 hrs) Oxford ( 160 hrs) Anson (476 hrs) And important information that he joined to the Canadian Forces between the last months of 1941, if you need further information submit to me , All my respects for the RCAF Diego Santibanez
DIEGO SANTIBANEZ from temuco wrote on 29/04/2021 at 12:16 am
thank you, im need information from my grand daughter Sergio Smith Gaete who served in the RCAF between 1939 - 1945, he came from Chile and his father born Canadian he served in bombardiers to denmark , and went to Egypt, England, normandy
Daryl Rose from Keremeos, BC wrote on 21/04/2021 at 12:12 am
I have some Uniforms from F/Lt GN Dungey,435,436,412 Squadrons. Am doing a display on such, added Repro service Medals to match Bar. Need a Picture and a Service History/Bio if anyone can help? contact e-mail thnks.
Margaret Clarke from Duncan wrote on 13/04/2021 at 11:06 pm
Responding to Geoff Smith from Oakville Ontario. My late father had the pleasure of serving with S.W. Morris in the 203rd RAF Squadron, and I have done some research on his life. I'd love to get in touch!
dan aikins from indian head park, Illinois wrote on 12/04/2021 at 12:06 pm
As a vet myself, 19D Cavalry Scout, U.S. Army, 1988-1998, it was interesting to look up one of my father's uncles online. Uncle Stan, when I knew him, lived in Barrie, Ontario. I knew he'd been a navigator on a bomber, & that he'd been shot down & captured by the Germans. I also knew that, thanks to constant screw-ups by the RCAF, Uncle Stan actually changed the spelling of his last name from "Aikins" to "Aikens". It's written, in pen, in his RCAF side cap! : ) Thanks to the internet, & the good folks out there, I now know Uncle Stan's service number: R77762, his unit: 432 Squadron, & his rank: Flight Sergeant. Next up... Uncle Alf Aikins. RCAF, & worked on the Chain Home Radar system. : )
Eric Gilmaster from Surrey BC wrote on 07/04/2021 at 2:34 pm
The listing G.R. Gilmaster contains a typo and it should read D. R. Gilmaster, my father. I have quite an amount of my father's personal items from World War II. Thank you.
Janet Laloge Holme from Richmond, BC wrote on 17/03/2021 at 2:56 pm
I just wanted to add a correction re: my father, M.R. Laloge. You have listed his place of origin as St. John, New Brunswick. This is incorrect; he was from Pouce Coupe, BC.
Charlotte Anne Zesati from Vancouver wrote on 16/03/2021 at 10:16 am
my grandpa Peter F. ELKO was in WW2 and was a POW. I wish I knew more about what happened to him while there but he passed years ago now. If anyone happened to know him please let me know as I'd like to appreciate the history of my ancestors better.
Harry Doesburg from Leeuwarden wrote on 16/03/2021 at 9:43 am
Dear people, I request from the Netherlands. Yesterday I visited a small cemetery at Pietersbierum, north netherlands, where I found a tombstone with "an airman of the 1939-1945 airwar, a sergeant of the RCAF 31st jan. 1944". A littel story goes with it: the body was washed ashore and discovered by Germans. Identity could not be confirmed, but according to the occupier it was airgunner (probably the insignia) My question, where can I find a complete list of missing Canadian airmen over the Northsea and Waddensea?
John Jones from London UK wrote on 08/03/2021 at 7:14 am
24-25 May 1944 192 Squadron Halifax III MZ501 DT-P Aachen - Bomber Support Took off from RAF Foulsham at 23:44 Claim by Oblt Josef Nabrich 3/NJG1 - 40km West. Truthahn (Hunsel): 5,600m at 02:41. (Nachtjagd Combat Archives 1944 Part 3 - Theo Boiten) Crashed Beverlo (Limberg) 19km NNW from centre of Hasselt Belgium. Those who perished were initially buried in St Truiden on 27 May 1944. Crew Pilot: 176419 Plt Off Philip Hicken - Heverlee War Cemetery Plot 5 Row C Grave 1. Flight Engineer: 1863403 Sgt Philip John Jeffs - Heverlee War Cemetery Plot 5 Row C Grave 4. Navigator: J/88898 Plt Off Eugene Preston Sabine RCAF - Heverlee War Cemetery Plot 5 Row C Grave 2. Bomb Aimer: J/90365 Plt Off Arthur Clarence Macgillivray RCAF - Heverlee War Cemetery Plot 5 Row C Grave 8. Wireless Operator/Air Gunner: 1438865 Sgt Ronald Rook - Heverlee War Cemetery Plot 5 Row C Grave 3. Specialist Operator: 128524 Fg Off John Daniel Hurley - Heverlee War Cemetery Plot 5 Row C Grave 6. Mid Under Gunner: J/90387 Plt Off Clair Douglas Stroud RCAF - Heverlee War Cemetery Plot 5 Row C Grave 7. Mid Upper Gunner: 1795770 Sgt James Shields - Heverlee War Cemetery Plot 5 Row C Grave 5. Rear Gunner: J/80446 Fg Off Daniel B Gaunt RCAF - PoW/Dulag Luft/Stalag Luft 3 Sagan & Belaria/ Stalag 3A Luckenwald?/Milag-Marlag Nord-Oflag L (Ex Stalag Luft III)/PoW Number 7614.
CEES JACOBS from ACHTMAAL (NL) wrote on 03/03/2021 at 3:42 pm
Ik ben op zoek naar gegevens van 21 jarige Fligt sergeant j.o.Lapointe (photographer) maakte deel uit van de bemanning van de Halifax v lk959 die is neergestort in Achtmaal(ned) op 22 october 1943 is als vermist opgegeven.
Michel Beckers from Montfort (L) Holland wrote on 24/02/2021 at 11:00 am
Hi all. My name is Michel Beckers, I live in the south of the Netherlands and I,m doing research after aircrashes in and around my village in WWII. At the moment I looking for more info about the crashsite of George Franklin MERCER Pilot of Spitfire PV209 411 Squadron which crashed on November 16th 1944 south of Bocholt. He became POW. Maybe someone can help me with family of this pilot.... Thanks in advance Michel
Cathy Williams from Surrey wrote on 24/02/2021 at 12:58 am
I am looking for information on My mom she was in the Air force.her name was Lauretta Elizabeth Williams ( Lasage) was her maiden name.. WW2. Her Head stone reads she was a Sargent. She was from Vancouver BC. That's All I know.and I have a few pictures of her in uniform. But there not very good. And I would love any information you can give me.thank you
MARC AARON SIMBROW from TORONTO wrote on 22/02/2021 at 11:59 am
ian farrall from newhaven , east sussex uk wrote on 21/02/2021 at 2:25 pm
i found a camera in the uk with the service number R/104670. . RCAF. i believe he was a member of 424 squadron during WW2. he returned to Canada in 1945 and left the camera behind with a young lad, i brought it from his son. The history has now gone cold. any help would be great
James Stevenson from Salsburgh wrote on 14/02/2021 at 10:21 am
I have photographs of headstones of the following who are buried in Scotland, if anybody wants them. F/O J.D.Shanahan Caporal E.I.Lavergne F/O H. C, McFadden F/O N.C. Cathcart F/O G.T.Gaunt and First OfficerJ.L. Glover
Tessa Martin from Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England wrote on 08/02/2021 at 9:14 am
Good afternoon. My second cousin (Edgar George Bird) was in 76 Squadron Bomber Command and one of his crew members was Sgt Anthony William McGrath: MCGRATH, ANTHONY WILLIAM SGT(AG) R192619. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed in Action Jan 21/44 age 21. #76 Squadron (Resolute). Halifax aircraft #LK 912 missing during night operations over Magdeburg, Germany. Six of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Sergeant Air Gunner McGrath is buried in the Berlin War Cemetery, Charlottenburg, Germany. I wondered if there were any of Sgt McGraths family were here? I am always trying to track down any photo's of my second cousin and his crew. With best wishes Tessa Martin
Claude Lafleur from Ottawa wrote on 02/02/2021 at 8:30 am
I have a website dedicated to my father-in-law Robert E. Toomey (R8285/C90314) who was an RCAF flight engineer on a Lancaster in WW2. He was shot down off the coast of Sejero, Denmark and was the only survivor. He kept many photos of his crew and dozens of photo IDs of his fellow POWs, along with their rank, details of their capture and signatures. He also kept a diary on the Long March and a scrapbook of memorabilia. See: "Wartime Diary of Roert Toomey".
Sue limpitlaw from Ayr wrote on 01/02/2021 at 7:12 am
My brother has build a cairn with a memorial in South Ayrshire dedicated to an airman who lost his life in 1944 in a plane crash. It’s in the middle of nowhere so everything had to be carried by hand including the cement. It would be interesting to know if this airman has any family alive today who would like a picture. It’s fast becoming a hill walkers attraction.
Admin Reply by: Dean Black
Please send a photo to the RCAF Association at contact@airforce.ca Thank you
Chad Lundberg from Calgary wrote on 31/01/2021 at 8:42 pm
Thank you to are World War Veterans.
Rod McRae from Surrey wrote on 28/01/2021 at 8:06 pm
Served as Air RO/RN 415 squadron from 1962 to 1967
Sean Steede from North Vancouver wrote on 28/01/2021 at 7:00 pm
Looking for retired Capt Tony Jones - flew Buffalo with 442 during the 1990's - lost contact when he retired and started flying for AC. Need to show him the photo of my now grown up child that my wife went into labour with while he was couch surfing in North Van on the way back to Comox!
Brian Parrott from Sarnia ONT wrote on 28/01/2021 at 2:45 pm
The 437 photo titiled A 437 Squadron Dakota over Europe April 1945 (Photo from Joel Zelikovitz, December 2020) Shows the crew in front of their plane. Back row second from right is my father PJ Parrott F/O I have the same photo and many others. Hope to post them when I get them organized.
Admin Reply by: Dean Black
Dear Brian, we are so very excited to meet you. Thank you for writing. My Uncle was a navigator with 437 Squadron. And, a number of us (Joel, Don and Robert Sproule, Karen Black, and others) have formed a 437 Husky Squadron Association. We would dearly love to have you aboard. Sincerely, Dean Black, director@airforce.ca
Philip Shock from Hertford UK wrote on 26/01/2021 at 9:49 am
I am trying to find out more about my Uncle's involvement with RAF 'Intellegence" during WW2. All I know he was based in Canada for a time and was, I believe, a Sergeant. His name was Arthur Evans or Frederick Evans (he changed his christian name at sometime!). Any help or info would be much appreciated.
Tammy Harris from Coleman AB, Canada wrote on 25/01/2021 at 4:31 am
While researching my family tree I discovered that my great Uncle Mike Bachinski was the flight engineer on the KB 700.
Admin Reply by: Dean Black
Hi Tammy, What is KB 700?
Mike Korba from North York wrote on 23/01/2021 at 7:45 pm
Trying to find out where I might find information on my uncle "Basil Joseph Hayden" who was with the 417 during WW2. Apparently he was a Spitfire pilot. From the Toronto area. Any ideas on where to look for records would be greatly appreciated. Thx.
ALBERT EMMETT MONTREUIL from COURTENAY wrote on 18/01/2021 at 11:18 am
Please advise of the email address i should send my request to or a o\phone number that i may use in regards to FO Tarling on his upcoming Birthday Thank You
ALBERT EMMETT MONTREUIL from COURTENAY wrote on 17/01/2021 at 7:04 pm
A friend of mine who is a WW11 Veteran of the RCAF is turning 100 years on March 17, 2021. His name is FO Bernard TARLING Ret. His address is Comox Valley Seniors Village 202# 4260 Headquarters Road Courtenay BC V9N 7J3. I am hoping with your assistance we can get at least 100 Birthday Cards out to this RCAF Vetera. Many Thanks Albert Montreuil CD1 Wo Retired Cdn Army
Admin Reply by: Dean Black
Thank you Albert. If you are serious about your request, please e-mail me quickly, at director "at" airforce.ca
Mike Willoughby from Henley on Thames UK wrote on 13/01/2021 at 5:03 am
Excellent tribute and resource. Pilot Officer M L Strumm's aircraft actually MF139 other three crew POWs Thank you
Lloyd Truscott from Edmonton wrote on 07/01/2021 at 2:50 pm
How do I submit photos for my Uncle Harold E Truscott and the rest of the crew of 408 Sqn Lancaster LL687 EQ-M who were lost on July 29, 1944 during nighttime ops to Hamburg Germany.
Admin Reply by: Dean Black
Send photos preferably in .jpg or .png format to director@airforce.ca with as much detail as possible. Thank you.
Adele Larson from Cochrane, Alberta wrote on 31/12/2020 at 8:30 pm
My husband’s Uncle Archibald (aka Archie or Ozzy) Warwick was a WW2 RCAF bomber pilot, J22839 and although he survived the war, he struggled due to PTSD. We have been unable to find any information about his war time experience, his role during the war etc. Looking for any info or help to find info.
Tony Whittingham from Mississauga wrote on 22/12/2020 at 1:27 pm
Hi all, I’m looking for a relative, John Anthony Whittingham, said to have served in the RCAF in WW2. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Regards, A. W. (Tony) Whittingham
Anthony Todd Trojek from Ancaster wrote on 19/12/2020 at 10:58 pm
My dad, was ranked a flyer officer and flew the RCAF overseas as a navigator in Europe. Dad now deceased, shared stories of training, how he flew a recon Mosquito (no weapons except pistols) but never the missions since as he said, he's under oath not to talk about it. I have always been interested in WW2 since school. But now so much stuff on WW2 like photos and videos since my dad's death. Could not find anything at all on my dad's squadron yet I see tons throughout the net on mossy squads and stories etc. There is nothing on canadian war vets website except for my father's brother killed in Cassini as a soldier. Any ideas how i can search deeper or what websites to look into or even clubs? Thanks, great website and thanks for all Canadian men and women at war who gave us life and freedom.
Geoff Smith from Oakville, Ontario, Canada wrote on 19/12/2020 at 11:40 am
We have a chest that belonged to J/22813 F/Lt. S.W. Morris, R.C.A.F Co Pilot of Liberator KG986-F, 203 Sqn RAF. Lost in action 20/3/1945, Oelehleh, Sumatra. We would like to return the chest to the Morris family. Does anyone have any idea how we might find the family? Morris was from Hammond, British Columbia. Thanks
TERRY STRAY from Kitchener wrote on 16/12/2020 at 9:10 am
I found a book "Avigation by Dead Reckoning" written 1928 and owned by John L Senour No. 84070 of the RCAF. I can't find any info on him. Where should I look? thanks
Clive Needham from Workington, Cumbria UK wrote on 15/12/2020 at 12:31 pm
Looking for help regarding a Canadian Forces service number could anyone tell me if service number 27393 'E' was issued to a member of the RCAF it appears on a Canadian Korean War Medal. Many thanks Clive ex RAF & RAFA Member.
james johnston from CRAIGAVON wrote on 14/12/2020 at 5:04 pm
My late Father flew with 429 Squadron RCAF, although he was from N Ireland. James Faulkner Johnston from Ballygawley. James was a Flight Sergeant serving with 429 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force. On the night of 22nd / 23rd October 1943 he was aboard Halifax JD332 which had taken off from R.A.F. Leeming on a mission to Kassel however the aircraft was attacked and shot down near Tietelsen to the north of Kassel. Of the crew of seven there were three survivors including James Johnston who was captured and taken to Stalag 4B at Muhlberg. A number of Airmen had planned a Mass Escape and intended to burn the hut which held all the P.O.W. Records and Photographs. This was so that the Germans would not have pictures of them when they escaped however James wanted to be sure and so the night previous he stole his own file!! James was able to escape the Camp and after evading capture he eventually joined with a mounted unit, possibly Cossacks, and was finally able to return to the U.K. #ww2ni #Johnston #Ballygawley #RCAF #RAF #Leeming #Kassel #Tietelsen #Muhlberg
Pauline Kesteven from Chilliwack wrote on 13/12/2020 at 3:49 pm
Looking for information on my father, Bruce Richard Kesteven RCAF CAN R219733 He was stationed in Grt Britain during the war II
James Ferris from Cold Lake wrote on 07/12/2020 at 9:55 pm
Hi , in your date section you are missing 1 Squadron / 401 that stood up 20 Nov 1918. You are also missing 3 Squadron and 115 Squadron . These where all part of 1 Squadron . 401 Squadron just celebrated its 100th Anniversary . Also the first pilot in the RCAF to see combat was S/L McNabb flying with 111 RAF Squadron before taking 1 Squadron up. There was only 1 Canadian RCAF squadron in the Battle of Britain .
Patricia Staunton from Toronto wrote on 04/12/2020 at 11:20 am
Hello Richard Harper. My mother Ann had a war time romance with Bill Hayter. She was living with her parents in Oshawa Ontario where Bill was training to become a pilot in 1941. My grandparents were aware that many of the training pilots were from England and missing home so invited them to their house for meals and to their cottage up north. My mom became very close to Bill in the summer of '41and when he was sent overseas they corresponded until he returned in '46. I have photos of him receiving his wings and of his graduating class. He sent many photos in '42-'43 of his base at Ballah North Africa. One is of his tent with my mother's picture hanging over the entrance. There are also photos of Alexandria in '43-'44. Bill returned to Canada in '46 and they resumed their relationship for a time. Both had changed over the 5 years they were separated, and they parted ways in '47. At the end of the war, he inherited a property in rural France. He moved there from Toronto in the late 40's and planned to farm truffles. I believe the farm was somewhere in Bourgogne. A friend of Mom's visited him at his farm in the 50's or 60's. He married a local girl and had children - one of whom he may have called Ann. I remember Mom telling me of Bill's crash, rescue and escape - a remarkable story that has stayed with me to this day. My mother is still alive at almost 97 but has sadly has dementia. Her album is full of photos of eager young pilots just starting out in life. So many did not come home. Good luck with your search. I hope this helps in some small way.
Dr. Colin Box from Bainbridge Island Wa. wrote on 02/12/2020 at 7:40 pm
Some of my happiest memories are of my time spent at RCAF Station Rockcliff in Ottawa. I particularly remember W/C. A.J. Mackenzie DFC,. my boss ,whom I will never forget. As a young F/O I didn’t fully appreciate my experience there. I certainly do now. I am eternally grateful to the men and women who served our great country and the mentoring they provided me.
Melody Lozinsky from Regina wrote on 01/12/2020 at 6:13 pm
Hi...my father Walter Reid Mason was with the 407. I would like to find out exactly where he served while he was in England. He passed away in 1996 and I never did have a lot of information from him . I do have his war service badge # 508182,and LAC CANR170407. I know he was discharged Feb 21, 1946. Any information you might have would be wonderful. Thanks so much
Mark Salt from Peterhead wrote on 27/11/2020 at 1:51 pm
Looking for more information, history and photos on 416 Sqn RCAF when at RAF Peterhead. The airfield is close to where I live and we are aiming to open a Heritage Museum in July 2021, (fingers crossed) on the former RAF airfield. Many thanks, RAF Peterhead Heritage Society
Robert C. Anderson ex Brantford from West Wodonga 3690 Australia wrote on 24/11/2020 at 12:02 am
Yes i thank you for this all and pray for lost .. my great grandfather and Catholics say Fatima 1984 prayer was done by St JPII So no more WW and less Commies. Lest we forget all
Melissa Brock from Cobourg wrote on 21/11/2020 at 3:40 pm
Hello, my grandfather Everett L. Gilbert I'm 1942(est) was in Canadian arm forces. Goose Bay. 405(M) SQDN Greenwood , N.S. looking for stories, information history. He is deeply missed and I am so proud to be his granddaughter.
Sharon Harvey from Bear River NS wrote on 21/11/2020 at 12:18 pm
My Uncle- Everard Harvey Pilot Officer, 432 Squadron, killed in action December 18 1944 over Belgium. I’ve enjoyed this site, thank you. Any other info on Uncle Ev would be appreciated.
Syd Taylor. from Wolverhampton, England. wrote on 19/11/2020 at 12:22 pm
Searching for any information on Harry V. Taylor (RAF) who served with 423 squadron at Oban, Scotland and at Castle Archdale in Ireland. He was pals with Al. Sarli.
Gerry Kennedy from Abbortsford Bc wrote on 16/11/2020 at 11:25 am
I Thank you all
Richard Harper from Clevedon, Somerset, England wrote on 11/11/2020 at 10:35 am
William E Hayter He left Halifax in Dec 1941 as one of 70 air cadets bound for the AIr MInistry in London. In 1October 1943, aged about 21, he was pilot of a Beaufighter X( in 47 Squadron) in an attack on German shipping at Naxos, Greece. My father was the navigator. They were shot down, crash landed in the sea and escaped using the dinghy. My father (Thomas Harper) was more injured so Bill found help in a farmer who hid them until the LRDG rescued them from the German controlled island and thence to Cairo for recuperation. Their story has just been published in UK and I want to find any of Bill's family to whom I can send a copy of the story I contributed. I know he returned to Canada after the war, leaving Liverpool on ss Scythia on 26 Oct 1946, He wrote a letter to the Greek farmer around 1949 from his then address at 115 Oakwood Avenue, Toronto and was working in the Massey Harris company. I am unable to confirm any details of his war service, marriage, children, death, etc in Canada using Ancestry and other sites. Can any of you help please? Thak you Richard Harper
DAVID MCCARROL from WATERVILLE wrote on 10/11/2020 at 9:51 pm
Bob D'Aoust from Waterloo wrote on 03/11/2020 at 3:50 pm
Missing a large number of names between, EADE to EYRE and FORTEY to FYE. on web page Appox. 500 missing names. Page 219 to 239 are okay in the blue book Call me if you have any questions Bob D'Aoust 519-886-242
tac foley from Huntingdon wrote on 02/11/2020 at 12:23 pm
Dear Sirs - I take great pride in looking after a number of RCAF graves here in Huntingdonshire, England. In particular, the four RCAF aircrew buried in Old St Swithun Churchyard, Old Weston, in former Huntingdonshire. A few years back, I even managed to get the niece of one of the airmen, who lives in Guelph, ON, over to share the November 11th Remembrance Day with us. Imagine my surprise, then, to discover that here uncle, R69761Flight Sergeant Donald Cole Lindsey, a WOP/AG in a Hampden of 16 OTU has no separate entry in your list of casualties. Surely this is an omission or oversight on your part? He DOES get a mention along with Sgt Dobie in HIS entry, but surely he deserves his entry? Regards Terry A de C Foley Major INT CORPS [Ret'd]
Nicole Tarasiuk from Nelson BC wrote on 01/11/2020 at 7:49 pm
Hello, I am looking for information on a man by the name of Douglas Browne, who served with the airforce and lived in Vancouver BC in the late 1960's & early 1970"s. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you, Nicole
Sandra from Ottawa wrote on 01/11/2020 at 6:10 pm
Hello My father, William H. Stockdale Sgt. R200378 was a rear gunner for the 432 Squadron on the Handley Page. RCAF 15.01.1943 to 26.04.1946. 38 Sorties. He had a great crew and I wish I could reach out to them or their families for any more info. I have some great photos from those war days. Thank you.