Air Force Productions Limited


18th June 1998

On behalf of the members of the NEC and the general membership of the Air Force Association of Canada thank you for your kind donation of $70 to the RCAF Association Trust Fund. Your thoughtfulness in this regard is highly appreciated and we will be pleased to channel this gift as per your request to Air Force Productions Limited.

30th September 1998

Trustees approved $2,675 worth of grants from June-September 1998.

30th June 1999

In FY 1998/1999 trustees approved $31,741 worth of grants to the Air Force Productions Limited.


From 1989/1990 to 1998/1999, trustees approved $31,741 worth of grants to the Air Force Productions Limited.

30th June 2000

In FY 1999/2000 trustees approved $700 worth of grants to the Air Force Productions Limited.

30th June 2001

In FY 2000/2001 trustees approved $50 worth of grants to the Air Force Productions Limited.

30th June 2004

In FY 2003/2004 trustees approved $35 worth of grants to the Air Force Productions Limited.