
Contact Information




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Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2460, Station “D”
Ottawa, ON
K1P 5W6

Civic Address:
222 Somerset St. W., 4th Floor, Suite 405
Ottawa, ON
K2P 2G3

All correspondence should be addressed to the Executive Director, Lieutenant-Colonel (Ret) Brook Bangsboll, OMM, CD, and sent to the mailing address (PO Box) detailed above.

Phone: 613-232-2303, ext. 221 for the Executive Director; ext. 227 for Accounts and Kitshop

Toll Free: 1-866-351-2322, for extensions see above

Cell-phone (Executive Director) 647-212-1013

facebook:  RCAF Association de l’ARC

twitter: @RCAFAssociation


Executive Director/Chief Staff Officer: director “at” airforce.ca

Publisher Airforce Magazine: editor “at” airforce.ca

Editors: editor “at” airforce.ca

Advertising: editor “at” airforce.ca

Membership: contact “at” airforce.ca

Accounting Department: accounts “at” airforce.ca

Regalia, Merchandise and Kitshop Sales: kitshop “at” airforce.ca

If you would like your own e-mail address ending with either airforce.ca or rcafassociation.ca simply write to the head office, enclosing a cheque for $15 and we will set up your new e-mail account. Having an e-mail address like firstname.lastname@airforce.ca shows you are indeed a member of the air force family.