CORNER, MALCOM CHARLES S/L(P) 78746 – Royal Air Force. From Montreal, Quebec. Killed Apr 23/45 age 38. Squadron Leader Pilot Corner is buried in the Delhi War Cemetery, Delhi, India.
CORNER, ROY HENRY CPL R61971 aero engine mechanic. From Lac Vert, Saskatchewan. Killed Dec 12/42 age 21. One of sixteen airmen killed in the Knights of Columbus Hostel fire in St. John’s, Newfoundland. Please see Sturgeon J.G. for casualty list. Corporal Corner is buried in the Gander Cemetery, Gander, Newfoundland,
CORNEY, LESLIE RUSSELL F/O(P) J25458. From Surnmerside, Prince Edward Island. Killed Sep 2/44 age 22. #79 Operational Training Unit. Two Beaufighter aircraft were flying in formation when they collided. The aircraft crashed one half mile off shore east of Kyoenia, Cyprus. F/O Corney and the navigator, not Canadian, were killed in aircraft #NE 558. Flying Officer Pilot Corney is buried in the Nicosia War Cemetery, Cyprus.
CORNFIELD, EDWARD ALBERT WO2(WAG) R121343. From Trail, British Columbia. Killed in Action Jan 29/43 age 23. #429 Bison Squadron (Fortunae Nihil). Target – Berlin, Germany. Please see Siltala T. for casualty list and flight detail. Warrant Officer Class II Wireless Operator Air Gunner Cornfield is buried in the Berlin War Cemetery, Charlottenburg, Germany.
CORNFIELD, JOSEPH SAMUEL SGT(P) R122947. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed Jan 26/43 age 22. #23 Operational Training Unit. Wellington aircraft crashed. Please see Snyder J.J. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Pilot Cornfield is buried in the Norwich Cemetery, Norfolk, England.
CORNISH, OLIVER MANSELL F/O(OB) J10884//R108934. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed in Action May 5/43 age 25. #83 Squadron (Strike To Defend), Pathfinder Force. Lancaster aircraft #N 5629 did not return from night operations, enemy action. Six of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Flying Officer Observer Cornish is buried in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.
CORNWALL, JAMES RAYMOND F/O(P) J13599//R119754. From Minnedosa, Manitoba. Killed in Action Apr 29/43 age 22. #407 Demon Squadron (To Hold On High). Wellington aircraft #MP 618 failed to return from an anti-sub patrol. F/L G. Low, F/Os A.A. Flemington, J.P. Wheeler, P/O J.D. Fergusson, and FS S.C. Summers were also killed. Flying Officer Pilot Cornwall has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
CORNWELL, GEORGE FRANCIS F/L(N) J12284//R87481. From Watrous, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Sep 6/44 age 25. #423 Squadron (Quaerimus Et Petimus). Sunderland aircraft lost. Please see Seibold H.S. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Lieutenant Navigator Cornwell has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
CORRELL, JOHN DUNHAM FS(N) R115498. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Feb 27/43 age 23. #12 Squadron (Leads The Field). Lancaster aircraft #W 4792 failed to return from operations. Sgt W.B. Kenny was also killed. Five of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Flight Sergeant Navigator Correll has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
CORRIE, GLEN HOWARD WO2(WAG) R78953. From Stratford, Ontario. Killed in Action Feb 28/43 age 21. #83 Squadron (Strike To Defend), Pathfinder Force. WO Corrie had completed over thirty trips and had begun his second tour of operations when his Lancaster aircraft #R 5913 went down. P/Os S. Danahy D.F.C., J. McCartney (RAF), FS C.T. Clifton (RAF), Sgts J.H. McKenna (RAF), C.E. Tanner (RAF), and F/O F.A.M. Shooter D.F.M. (RAF) were also killed. WO Corrie had been wounded on January 9, 1943 flying in a Lancaster aircraft with #57 Squadron. Warrant Officer Class II Wireless Operator Air Gunner Corrie is buried in the War Cemetery at Escoublac-LaBaule, France.
CORRIGAN, ROBERT JAMES P/O(P) J15537//R55240. From Quebec City, Quebec. Killed in Action Aug 19/42 age 27. #226 Squadron (Non Sibi Sed Patriae). Boston aircraft lost to enemy action over enemy territory. Two RAF members of the crew missing believed killed. Pilot Officer Pilot Corrigan has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
CORRIVEAU, ARTHUR JEFFREY F/O(P) J24503. From Agassiz, British Columbia. Killed in Action May 13/44 age 21. #640 Squadron. Halifax aircraft #NA 492 crashed and burned in trees at the edge of the Woodbridge emergency aerodrome, Suffolk, England. Two of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Flying Officer Pilot Corriveau is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.
CORRIVEAU, JOSEPH THOMAS RAYMOND WO2(P) R96935. From Barre, Dorchester County, Quebec. Killed in Action Jan 29/44 age 23. #431 Iroquois Squadron (The Hatiten Ronteriios). Halifax aircraft ditched. Please see Raymond J.P. for casualty list and flight detail. Warrant Officer Class II Piiot Corriveau is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.
CORY, GORDON JOHNSON F/O(N) J11240. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed in Action Mar 12/43 age 20. #424 Tiger Squadron (Castigandos Castigamus). Wellington aircraft lost. Please see Larson A.P. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Navigator Cory is buried in the War Cemetery at Uden, North Brabant, Holland.
COSFORD, JOHN EVANS WO1(P) R87409. From Simpson, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Jun 8/43 age 21. #244 Squadron. Blenheim aircraft #AZ 998 crashed on the aerodrome at Abadan, Persia. Three of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Warrant Officer Class I Pilot Cosford is buried in the Tehran War Cemetery, Tehran, Iran.
COSGRAVE, FRANCIS WILLIAM GEORGE FS(FE) R94795. From Whitewood, Saskatchewan. Killed Nov 26/44 age 32. #4 Operational Training Unit. Sunderland aircraft crashed. Please see Shand J.H. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Flight Engineer Cosgrave is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.
COSGROVE, JOSEPH PATRICK P/O(P) J85244. From Montreal River, Ontario. Killed in Action Apr 19/44 age 24. #625 Squadron (We Avenge). Target – Rouen, France. The crew of Lancaster aircraft #ME 734 were returning from the target when they were attacked by an enemy aircraft. The Lancaster crashed at Swinthorpe Brats, Binbrook, Lincoln, England. Six of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Pilot Officer Pilot Cosgrove is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.
COSH, DIGBY REX BELL LT CMDR(P) D.S.C. – Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve. From Hamilton, Ontario. Killed in Action Jun 24/44 age 25. #881 Squadron – Fleet Air Arm. Lt Cmdr. lost off H.M.S. Purser whilst flying a Wildcat aircraft. Lieutenant Commander Pilot Cosh is buried in the St. Gregory Churchyard, Kirknewton, Ewart, Northumberland, England.
COSH, ROBERT MONTEITH LAC(N) R197913 – under training. From New Westminster, British Columbia. Died Aug 2/43 age 20. Leading AirCraftman Navigator Cosh is buried in the Ocean View Burial Park, Burnaby, British Columbia.
COSMAN, WILLIAM NATHAN F/O(P) J23397//R65354 D.F.C. From Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Killed in Action Dec 7/44 age 22. #248 Squadron (II Faut En Finir). Mosquito aircraft #NR 225 was lost while engaged in an anti-shipping strike against a convoy at the mouth of the Milde Fjord, Norway. The RAF navigator was also killed. Flying Officer Pilot Gasman has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England. Addendum: – Distinguished Flying Cross – No.248 Squadron – Award effective 17 November 1944 as per London Gazette of that date and AFRO 1/45 dated 5 January 1945. Home in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia; enlisted Halifax, 24 August 1940. Trained at No.4 ITS (graduated 3 July 1942), No.5 EFTS (graduated 9 October 1942) and No.3 SFTS (graduated 5 February 1943. Killed in action 7 December 1944 (Mosquito NR225); name on Runnymede Memorial. Award sent by registered mail to next-of-kin. The citation reads – “This officer, now on his second operational tour, has unfailingly pressed home his attacks with outstanding courage and determination. He has taken part in attacks on submarines, a destroyer and minesweepers. Flying Officer Cosman has displayed great skill and his devotion to duty has been of a high order.” Detail provided by H. Halliday, Orleans, Ontario.
COSSETTE, ROLAND ADELORE P/O(P) J17045. From Alpha, Michigan, U.S.A. Killed in Action May 8/43 age 25. #272 Squadron. Beaufighter aircraft #X 7759 was shot down ten miles off Sicily. The RAF navigator, FS A.W. Johnson, was also killed. Pilot Officer Pilot Cossette has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Malta War Memorial, Malta.
COSOFF, JOSEPH P/O(N) J85455//R77205. From Montreal, Quebec. Killed Feb 20/44 age 25. #400 City Of Toronto Squadron (Percussuri Vigiles). The pilot of Mosquito aircraft #MM 277 endeavoured to takeoff after the initial approach to land and crashed on the aerodrome at RAF Station, Odiham, Hampshire, England. F/L O.R. Alexander and one member of the ground crew were also killed. Pilot Officer Navigator Cosoff is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.
COSTELLO, GEORGE ARNOLD F/O(P) J39820//R116052. From Stonewall, Manitoba. Killed in Action Oct 28/44 age 21. #442 Caribou Squadron. P/O Costello died after he bailed out of his Spitfire aircraft #PL 207 after it was hit by flak near Hennewig, Germany. Flying Officer Pilot Costello was buried near Haltern at Sythen, Germany, exhumed, and reburied in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.
COSTELLO, JOHN TERENCE SGT(AG) R155334. From Goderich, Ontario. Killed in Action Oct 22/43 age 19. #166 Squadron (Tenacity). Target – Kassel, Germany. Please see Butler R.H. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Costello is buried in the Limmer British Cemetery at Hanover, Germany.
COSTELLO, MICHAEL FS(BA) 1R123094. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Aug 15/43 age 32. #75 New Zealand Squadron (Ake Ake Kia Kaha). Stirling aircraft #EE 891 lost during a trip over enemy-held territory. Six of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Flight Sergeant Bomb Aimer Costello is buried in La Chaume New communal Cemetery, Les Sables-d’Olonne, Vendee, France.
COSTELLO, RALPH MATTHEW WO2(AG) R99818. From Green Bay, Wisconsin, U.S.A. Killed in Action May 24/43 age 25. #199 Squadron (Let Tyrants Tremble). Wellington aircraft #HZ 582 was lost over enemy-held territory. Sgts H.W. Austin (RAF) and A. Herbert (RAF) were also killed. Two of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Warrant Officer Class II Air Gunner Costello is buried in the War Cemetery at Uden, North Brabant, Holland.
COSTIGAN, EDWARD NORMAN FS(N) R61096. From Stettler, Alberta. Killed in Action Jun 17/42 age 29. #419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Target – Essen, Germany. Please see Harris A.H. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Navigator Costigan has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
COTE, CHARLES EDOUARD SGT(AG) 10797. From Quebec City, Quebec. Killed in Action Mar 2/44 age 22. #425 Alouette Squadron (Je Te Plumerai), RCAF Station, Tholthorpe, England. Halifax aircraft crashed. Please see Truclel R.J. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Cote is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.
COTE, JOSEPH ARTHUR RAYMOND WO2(WAG) R79179. From Megantic, Quebec. Died Sep 13/43 age 22. #407 Demon Squadron (To Hold On High). Wellington aircraft crashed on September 12, 1943. Please see Pincock H. for casualty list and flight detail. Warrant Officer Class II Wireless Operator Air Gunner Cote is buried in the St. Augustine Churchyard, Heanton Punchardon, Devonshire, England.
COTE, JOSEPH EDMOND ROMEO SGT(WAG) R136824. From Chicoutimi, Quebec. Killed Dec 31/43 age 25. #104 Operational Training Unit. Sgt Cote was killed when his Wellington aircraft #R 1520 hit a hill near Antrim. Two of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Cote is buried in the Glenavy Roman Catholic Churchyard, Belfast, County Antrim, Ireland.
COTE, JOSEPH JOHN EDWARD FS(WAG) R82472. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Oct 6/42 age 21. #115 Squadron (Despite The Elements), Mildenhall, Suffolk, England. The crew of Wellington aircraft #BJ 879 were attacked by an enemy fighter aircraft, FS Cote was the only casualty and was found dead in his rear turret when the aircraft landed at Mildenhall. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Cote is buried in St. John Churchyard, Beck Row, Mildenhall, Suffolk, England.
COTE, JOSEPH LEANDRE GILLES SGT(P) R56362. From Montreal, Quebec. Killed Dec 1/41 age 19. #5 Bombing and Gunnery School, Dafoe, Saskatchewan. Sgt Cote, LACs C.A. Coles (RAAF), and R.K. Crothers (RAAF) were killed while they were engaged in a scheduled air to ground gunnery exercise. Their Fairey Battle aircraft #2068 crashed into the ice on a lake five miles south-east of the aerodrome at Dafoe. Sergeant Pilot Cote is buried in the Notre Dame Roman Catholic Cemetery, Ottawa, Ontario.
COTE, JOSEPH RICHARD FS(AG) R142131. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed in Action Oct 2/43 age 20. #424 Tiger Squadron (Castigandos Castigamus). Wellington aircraft lost. Please see Dauk H. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Cote has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Malta War Memorial, Malta.
COTNAM, HAROLD CLINTON SGT(P) R77479. From Pembroke, Ontario. Killed Oct 31/41 age 22. #52 Operational Training Unit. BROTHER to Royden Leslie Cotnam. Sgt Cotnam lost his life when his Hurricane aircraft #P 3031 crashed into the Washing Pool Hill, Almondsbury, Gloucester. Sergeant Pilot Cotnam is buried in the Canford Cemetery, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England.
COTNAM, ROYDEN LESLIE F/O(P) J26636//R161827. From Pembroke, Ontario. Killed in Action Apr 8/45 age 23. #417 City of Windsor Squadron (Supporting Liberty And Justice). BROTHER to Harold Cotnam. F/O Cotnam lost his life when his Spitfire aircraft #MK 951 exploded during a dive bombing attack south-east of Lendinara, Italy. No flak was seen, no parachute was seen. Flying Officer Pilot Cotnam is buried in the War Cemetery, Padua, Italy.
COTTAM, ALDEN PRESTON WO2(WAG) R93558. From Jasper Park, Alberta. Killed in Action May 17/43 age 30. #617 Dambuster Squadron (Apres Moi Le Deluge). Target – the Eder dam, Germany. Please see F/O R.A. Urquhart D.F.C. for casualty list and flight detail. Warrant Officer Class II Wireless Operator Air Gunner Cottam was buried at Dusseldorf, Germany, exhumed, and reburied in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.
COTTER, DAVID GRENFELL P/O(WAG) J94218//R135638. From Edmonton, Alberta. Killed in Action Jan 13/45 age 29. #435’Chinthe Squadron (Certi Provehendi). The crew of Dakota aircraft #KJ 857 were dropping supplies to the British 14th Army when their aircraft was was shot down three miles from the Tabingaug airstrip, Burma. Pilot Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Cotter was buried in the Tabingaug Cemetery, exhumed, and reburied in the Mandalay Military Cemetery, India.
COTTER, DONALD JOSEPH FS(WAG) R125780. From Pembroke, Ontario. Killed Oct 23/43 age 20. #48 Squadron (Forte Et Fidele). Hudson aircraft #FK 398 crashed into the sea during rocket firing practise fifteen miles east of Gibraltar. FSs S.M. Craig, G.J. McFadyean (RAF), and P. Newns (RAF) were also killed. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Cotter has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Gibraltar War Memorial, Gibraltar.
COTTER, JOHN JAMES F/O(P) C1588, From Halifax, Nova Scotia. Killed Jun 10/40 age 26. RCAF Station, Rockcliffe, Ontario. Hudson aircraft crashed. Please see Nesbitt J.E. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Pilot Cotter is buried in Holy Cross Roman Catholic Cemetery, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
COTTERILL, STANLEY HERBERT ROSS F/L(P) J4874 D.F.C. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Oct 22/44 age 22. #418 City of Edmonton Squadron. Target – eastern Austria. Mosquito aircraft #HR 351 lost also killing F/L C.G. Finlayson D.F.C. & Bar. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Cotterill is buried in the Belgrade British Military Cemetery, Yugoslavia. Addendum: – Correct age at time of death was 25, please add the following. – Distinguished Flying Cross 7 No.418 Squadron – Award effective 1 September 1944 as per London Gazette of that date and AFRO 2373/44 dated 3 November 1944. Born in Beamsville, Ontario, 30 October 1919. Home in Toronto; enlisted there 25 September 1940. Trained at No.2 ITS, Regina (posted there 14 October 1940; promoted to LAC 4 November 1940), No.6 EFTS, Prince Albert (posted there 4 November 1940) and No.4 SFTS (posted there 4 January 1941; awarded wings 17 March 1941 and promoted to Sergeant). Attended Central Flying School Trenton, 25 March 1941; to No.6 SFTS, Dunnville, 24 June 1941 as instructor. Posted to No.36 0Th, Greenwood, 29 October 1943; posted to No.I Depot, Halifax, 15 January 1944; arrived in UK, 31 January 1944; posted to No.60 OTU, 29 February 1944; to No.418 Squadron, 2 May 1944; killed in action, 18 October 1944 with Fit C.G. Finlayson. Award presented to next-of-kin, 2 December 1946. All aerial Victories gained with Sergeant EH. McKenna (RAF) as navigator. These were: 6 June 1944, three Ju.52s destroyed plus One its.188 destroyed; 22/23 June 1944, two V-Is destroyed; 27/28 June 1944, one V-1 destroyed; 7/8 July 1944, one V-1 destroyed; 3 September 1944, one Bf 109 destroyed. Photos PL-29467 (in flying gear) and PL-29468 (with McKenna). The citation reads – “This officer has completed numerous sorties and has set a fine example of skill, courage and resolution. One night in June 1944 Flight Lieutenant Cotterill shot down four enemy aircraft over an area in northern France, a feat which testifies to his exceptional keenness and determination. On other occasions, Flight Lieutenant Cotterill has operated against enemy airfields and railway installations with success.” Detail provided by H. Halliday, Orleans, Ontario. enemy warships. This crew failed to return. “This exceptional crew have been engaged on many day and night operations and have always been amongst the first to volunteer for a difficult & dangerous mission. They made a special request to be on this operation. Flying Officer Cowperthwaite had previously attacked four merchant vessels, two of which were definitely damaged. These ships were of 4/5000 tons each. No claim was made for the other two vessels. He has flown on 30 operational flights, 20 of which were at night. Flight Sergeant Jones was on his second tour of operational duty and had flown a total of 350 operational hours. While with this squadron he and his crew had attacked four merchant vessels of which two were definitely damaged. Pilot Officer Lister had flown 150 operational hours.” Detail provided by EL Halliday, Orleans, Ontario.
COTTIER, THOMAS GEORGE P/O(P) J4885. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed in Action Jan 16/42 age 27. #419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Target – Hamburg, Germany. The crew of Wellington aircraft #Z 1145 were returning from the target and ran out of petrol. The aircraft crashed in the sea off Spurn Head, England. P/O C.H. Lomas, FS L.C. Powell, and one RAF member of the crew were also killed. Two survivors were picked up by H.M.S. Goaffell about an hour later. P/O Cottier had survived a previous crash near Buckingham Palace. Pilot Officer Pilot Cottier is buried in the New Cemetery at Barton-upon-Humber, Lincolnshire, England.
COTTINGHAM, CYRIL MORGAN F/O(P) J21625. From Comox, British Columbia. Killed in Action Nov 22/43 age 25. #49 Squadron (Cave Canem). Target – Berlin, Germany. Please see Richard R.B. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Pilot Cottingham has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
COTTON, DAVID NEVILLE P/O(AG) J87645//R196419. From Esquimalt, British Columbia. Killed in Action Jun 29/44 age 22. #427 Lion Squadron (Ferte Manus Certas). Halifax aircraft #LV 938 lost during a night trip to Metz, France. Four Canadians, WO King, F/O Wilson, P/O Poohay, and FS Vallieres taken Prisoners of War. Two of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Cotton is buried in the Churchyard at Juvincourt-et-Damary, Aisne, France.
COTTON, ERNEST JAMES FS(AG) R88868. From Port Credit, Ontario. Killed in Action May 28/43 age 21. #51 Squadron (Swift And Sure). Halifax aircraft #HR 789 was shot down at Recklinghausen, Germany. Six of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Cotton was buried at Recklinghausen, exhumed, and reburied in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.
COUBROUGH, GEORGE THOMAS FS(P) R94968. From Coronach, Saskatchewan. Killed Nov 30/42 age 20. #98 Squadron (Never Failing). Mitchell aircraft crashed at Windling, near Dereham, Norfolk. Three RAF members of the crew were also killed. Flight Sergeant Pilot Coubrough is buried in the All Saints Churchyard, Swanton Morley, Norfolk, England.
COUCH, ALBERT THOMAS FS(AG) R208208. From Stanford Centre, Ontario. Killed in Action Jul 1/44 age 19. #101 Squadron (Mens Agitat Molem). Lancaster aircraft #DV 301 was shot down twelve miles east of the target Vierzon Junction, at Lautiere, France. FSs D. Urquhart, C.V. Kreig (RAAF), J. Pritchard (RAAF), P/O J.N. Brown (RAF), F/O W.R. Cuthbertson (RAF), Sgts T. Lyth (RAF), and W. Offord (RAF) were also killed. These eight airmen were all buried in the same collective grave. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Couch is buried in the Communal Cemetery, Langon, Loire-et-Cher, France.
COUCH, JOHN EDMUND FS(AG) R105693. From Lavoy, Alberta. Killed in Action Jul 25/43 age 21. #103 Squadron (Noll Me Tangere). Lancaster aircraft #ED 389 lost whilst engaged in night operations, presumed over target, presumed enemy action. Sgts D.I. Cameron (RAF), B.G. Radbourn (RAF), and WO G.E.B. Hardman (RAF) were also killed. Three others of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Couch is buried in the Sage War Cemetery, Oldenburg, Land Niedersachsen, Germany.
COUGHLIN, GERALD PHILIP P/O(AG) J95336//R208660. From Port Arthur, Ontario. Killed in Action Dec 6/44 age 18. #434 Bluenose Squadron (In Excelsis Vincimus). Target – Soest, Germany. Please see Prouse V.E. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Coughlin has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
COUKELL, BRUCE ADAMS SGT(OB) R62788. From High Bridge, New Jersey, U.S.A. Killed Sep 7/41 age 23. #17 Operational Training Unit (Forged To Fight). Sgt Coukell was killed when his Blenheim aircraft #R 3875 crashed at Shrewsbury, England. Sergeant Observer Coukell is buried in the St. Mary Churchyard, Shawbury, Shropshire, England.
COULDREY, GORDON F/L(N) J24221//R166880. From Dundas, Ontario. Killed Mar 24/45 age 28. #46 Squadron (We Rise To Conquer). Stirling aircraft crashed. Please see McMillan A.K. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Lieutenant Navigator Couldrey is buried in the Mazargues Cemetery Extension, Marseilles, Bouches-duRhone, France.
COULOMBE, JOSEPH ROSARIO ARTHUR ROLAND FS(WAG) R96684. From Montmagny County, Montmagny, Quebec. Killed in Action Feb 3/43 age 23. #106 Squadron (Pro Libertate). Lancaster aircraft #W 4770 was shot down over Hanover during a night trip to Hamburg, Germany. Sgts R.E. Cooke (RAF), K. Loach (RAF), P.N. Reed (RAF), A.W. Thomas (RAF), F. McNeil (RAF), and F/O C.G. Jones (RAF) were also killed. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Coulombe is buried in the Limmer British Cemetery at Hanover, Germany.
COULSON, FRANK P/O(BA) J91041. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Dec 17/44 age 29. #101 Squadron (Mens Agitat Molem). Target – Ulm, Germany. Please see Hine R.E. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Bomb Aimer Coulson was buried at Albeck, Germany, exhumed, and reinterred in the War Cemetery at Durnbach, Germany.
COULSON, FRED GEORGE AC1 R165520 – air frame mechanic. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed Oct 14/42. Lost at sea off the S.S. Caribou. Please see Truesdale L.W. for casualty list and detail. AirCraftman First Class Coulson has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Ottawa War Memorial, Ottawa, Ontario.
COULSON, ROBERT FREDERICK F/O(N) J9324. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed in Action Jul 24/43 age 27. #420 Snowy Owl Squadron (Pugnamus Finitum). Wellington aircraft lost. Please see Harrison S. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Navigator Coulson has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Malta War Memorial, Malta.
COULSON, WARD DOUGLAS P/O(WAG) J95264//R172684. From Norwood, Manitoba. Killed in Action Feb 12/45 age 25. #435 Chinthe Squadron (Certi Provehendi). Dakota aircraft lost. Please see F/O T.G. Burton for casualty list and other detail. Pilot Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Coulson has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Singapore War Memorial, Malaya.
COULSON, WILLIAM GEORGE ALLEN S/L(P) 29237 – Royal Air Force. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed Aug 15/40 age 37. #220 Squadron (We Observe Unseen). Hudson aircraft lost. S/L Coulson was in the RAF from 1929 to 1934. He flew with Imperial Air Lines until rejoining the RAF in 1939. Squadron Leader Pilot Coulson is buried in the Elmwood Cemetery, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
COULTER, ARTHUR HOWARD P/O(P) J6485. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed Dec 21/41 age 28. #13 Service Flying Training School, St. Hubert, Quebec. P/O Coulter was killed when his Harvard aircraft #3145 struck a hilltop one mile west of St. Sauveur Des Monts, Quebec. Pilot Officer Pilot Coulter is buried in the Mountain View’ Cemetery at Vancouver, British Columbia.
COULTER, EVERETT MALCOLM WO2(N) R156195. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Feb 20/44 age 20. #78 Squadron (Nemo Non Paratus). Halifax aircraft #LK 763 failed to return from night operations over Leipzig, Germany. F/O 1.R. Douglas-Pulleyne was also killed. Five of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Warrant Officer Class II Navigator Coulter has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
COULTER, HUBERT VINCENT F/O(NB) J11504. From Steiller, Alberta. Killed in Action May 7/43 age 28. #608 Squadron (Omnibus Ungulis). Hudson aircraft #FK 691 failed to return from operations. WOs J.H. Johnston, E.C. Smith, Sgt R.A. Newton, and WO R.A. Newton (RAF) were also killed. Flying Officer Navigator Bomb Aimer Coulter has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Malta War Memorial, Malta.
COULTER, JAMES STEWART F/L(P) J5791. From Point Claire, Quebec. Killed in Action Aug 12/42 age 22. #408 Goose Squadron (For Freedom). Hampden aircraft failed to return from night operations. FSs W.M. Gartside, W.G. Gittings, and F/O R.C. Hodgson (RAF) were also killed. F/L Coulter had been slightly injured on September 28, 1941 in a flying accident at Balderton, Nottinghamshire whilst training at #25 O.T.U. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Coulter has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
COULTER, RICHARD LESLIE F/O(N) J7022. From Chilliwack, British Columbia. Killed in Action Dec 17/42 age 24. #104 Squadron (Strike Hard). Wellington aircraft failed to return from operations. F/O G.C. Silver, Sgts L. Booth (RAF), and H.G. Lines (RAF) were also killed. Flying Officer Navigator Coulter has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Malta War Memorial, Malta.
COULTER, ROBERT EARL SGT(P) R197855. From New Westminster, British Columbia. Killed May 13/44 age 21. #4 Wireless School, Guelph, Ontario. Yale aircraft crashed. Please see Miller A.M. for flight detail. Sergeant Pilot Coulter is buried in the Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Burnaby, British Columbia.
COULTER, ROBERT LESLIE SGT(AG) R157337. From Russell, Manitoba. Killed in Action Mar 24/44 age 34. #115 Squadron (Despite The Elements), Witchford, England. Target – Berlin, Germany. Please see Deemer E.F. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Coulter is buried in the General Cemetery, Gorssel, Gelderland, Holland.
COUNTESS, RAY EDGERTON P/O(P) J185081/R98143. From Leamington, Ontario. Killed in Action Jan 28/44 age 25. #426 Thunderbird Squadron (On Wings of Fire). Target – Berlin, Germany. Please see Solmundsson K.A. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Pilot Countess has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
COUPER, MUNGO WILLIAM P/O(AG) J90342//R171368. From Montreal, Quebec. Killed in Action Jun 13/44 age 20. #78 Squadron (Nemo Non Paratus). Target – Amiens, France. Please see Lancaster G.K. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Couper is buried in the Churchyard at Poix-de-la-Somme, Somme, France.
COUPER, THOMAS MACKINTOSH P/O(P) J3742. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed Apr 18/41 age 20. Miles Master aircraft crashed. Please see Sgt D. McLean for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Pilot Couper is buried in the St. Helen Churchyard Extension, Bensington, Oxfordshire, England.
COUPLAND, THOMAS KEITH P/O(P) J3708. From Golden Ridge, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Aug 7/41 age 21. #401 Ram Squadron (Mors Celerrima Hostibus). Hurricane aircraft lost during operations over enemy-held territory. Three Squadrons, #401, #19, and #257 were attacked by German ME-109 fighter aircraft, 3 of #19 Sqdn aircraft were shot down near St. Omer, France. Pilot Officer Pilot Coupland is buried in the Town Cemetery, Dunkirk, France.
COURAGE, WILLIAM ROY SGT(BA) R251499. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed Nov 27/44 age 21. #22 Elementary Flying Training School. Sgt Courage was a passenger in Tiger Moth aircraft #T 6246 and was killed when the aircraft crashed at Hilton, Huntingdonshire, England. The pilot, not Canadian, was also killed. Sergeant Bomb Aimer Courage is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.
COURNOYER, JOSEPH JACQUES OMER SGT(AG) R66744. From Lachenaie County, Assumption, Quebec. Killed Mar 16/44 age 29. #1664 Heavy Conversion Unit. Halifax aircraft crashed. Please see Pelletier R.A. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Cournoyer is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.
COURT, DONALD ALEXANDER SGT(P) R78092. From Weston, Ontario. Killed in Action Dec 8/41 age 21. #411 Grizzly Bear Squadron (Inimicus Inimico). Spitfire aircraft #AA 840 missing after defensive operations. Sergeant Pilot Court has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
COURTEAU, JEAN LOUIS DE GONZAQUE P/O(P) J27248. From Montreal, Quebec. Killed Nov 1/43 age 22. #13 Service Flying Training School, St. Hubert, Quebec. P/O Corteau and LAC C.M. Weegar were on a cross-country navigation training exercise and were killed when Harvard aircraft #2824 crashed seven miles north of Louisville, Quebec. Pilot Officer Pilot Courteau is buried in St. Clement De Beauhamois Cemetery, Beauharnois, Quebec.
COURTIS, ERNEST EDWARD P/O(N) J92724//R69968. From Wallaceburg, Ontario. Killed in Action Nov 1/44 age 23. #426 Thunderbird Squadron (On Wings of Fire). Target – Oberhausen, Germany. Please see Balfour A.G. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Navigator Courtis is buried in the Venray War Cemetery, Limburg, Holland.
COURTNEY, JAMES BOYD P/O(AG) J167131/R95441. From Lawton, North Dakota, U.S.A. Killed in Action Mar 5/43 age 23. #90 Squadron (Celer). Stirling aircraft #R 9271 was shot down at Monchen-Gladbach, Germany. Two of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Four of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Courtney is buried in the British War Cemetery at Monchen-Gladbach. His name is also inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
COURTNEY, ROBERT RICHARD SGT(AG) R52252. From Dagenham, Essex, England. Killed May 23/43 age 39. #3 Personnel Reception Centre, Bournemouth, England. Killed when the Metropole Hotel was hit by enemy bombs. Please see Chalmers D.R. for casualty list and detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Courtney is buried in the North Cemetery, Bournemouth, Hampshire, England.
COUSE, GEORGE FITZGERALD SGT(AG) R197319. From St. Thomas, Ontario. Killed Jan 23/44 age 21. #20 Operational Training Unit (Train To Triumph). Wellington aircraft crashed. Please see Burton R.W. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Couse is buried in the Lossiennouth Burial Ground, Drainie, Morayshire, Scotland.
COUSINEAU, JOSEPH ALFRED EMILE THOMAS F/O(P) J18191//R130002. From Temiskaming, Quebec. Killed in Action Feb 24/45 age 23. #442 Caribou Squadron. Spitfire aircraft #NH 489 was shot down by enemy aircraft in the Rhine area of Germany. F/O Cousineau was last heard from as he was returning from the Rhine area when he reported ten ME-109 German fighter aircraft on his tail. Flying Officer Pilot Cousineau is buried in the War Cemetery at Rheinberg, Germany.
COUSINS, NORMAN EDWARD F/O(BA) J39385. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed Aug 26/44 age 29. #83 Operational Training Unit. Two Wellington aircraft collided. Please see Sgt R.J. Sander for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Bomb Aimer Cousins is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.
COUTTS, BENSON ARNOLD WILSON FS(WAG) R77992. From Claresholm, Alberta. Killed in Action Sep 7/42 age 20. #407 Demon Squadron (To Hold On High). Hudson aircraft #AM 701 was shot down in the North Sea while engaged in an anti-sub patrol off Belgium. P/Os J.E. Wilkes, C.R. Foskett, and FS B.L. Kohn were also killed. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Coutts has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
COUTTS, HAROLD ALEXANDER F/O(BA) J35810//R171733. From Hughenden, Alberta. Killed in Action Mar 7/45 age 23. #171 Squadron. Halifax aircraft missing whilst engaged in a special night operation to Munster, Germany. F/O K.G. Thomas was also killed. Six of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Flying Officer Bomb Aimer Coutts is buried in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.
COUTTS, LORNE RONALD FS(P) R123973. From Newdale, Manitoba. Killed in Action Apr 27/43 age 23. #428 Ghost Squadron (Usque Ad Finem). Wellington aircraft lost. Please see FS James A. Smith for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Pilot Coutts was buried at Dueilman, Germany, exhumed, and reinterred in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.
COUTTS, RUSSELL MURRAY F/O(P) J22152. From Neepawa, Manitoba. Killed Mar 27/44 age 27. #183 Squadron (Versatility). F/O Coutts was killed when his Typhoon aircraft #MN 120 spun out of low clouds and crashed at Joinefs Farm, Kent, England. Flying Officer Pilot Coutts is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.
COUTURE, JOSEPH ARTHUR LEO F/L(P) J20061. From Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. Killed in Action Jul 21/44 age 23. #578 Squadron (Accuracy). Halifax aircraft #MZ 617 went down over Germany during a night trip to Bottrop, Germany. F/O J.S. Fitzpatrick, FS G.T. Hodgson, Sgts W. Broughton (RAF), A.H. Garnhanrt (RAF), C.A. Morton (RAF), and F/O H. Sellers (RAF) were also killed. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Couture is buried in the Uden War Cemetery, North Brabant, Holland.
COUTURE, JOSEPH JEAN MAURICE MARCEL P/O(AG) J85372//R117984. From Montreal, Quebec. Killed in Action Jan 21/44 age 21. #433 Porcupine Squadron (Qui S’y Frotte S’y Pique). Target – Magdeburg, Germany. Please see Swain S.J. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Couture was buried at Magdeburg, exhumed, and reinterred in the Berlin War Cemetery, Charlottenburg, Germany.
COUTURIER, JOSEPH ROBERT MARCEL ARMAND LAC R174379 – aero engine mechanic. From Montreal, Quebec. Killed in Action Sep 24/44 age 21. #1 PDC. Dakota aircraft crashed. Please see LAC L.I. Beach for casualty list and flight detail. Leading AirCraftman Couturier is buried in the War Cemetery at Rheinberg, Germany.
COVENTRY, HENRY REGINALD W/C(P) 33133 D.F.C. – Royal Air Force. From Victoria, British Columbia. Killed in Action Jul 14/43 age 27. #102 Ceylon Squadron (Tentate Et Perficite). BROTHER to Robert George Coventry. Halifax aircraft lost during operations over enemy- held territory. There were two #102 Sqdn. aircraft lost in the same area on this date. Please also see P/O J.R. McClelland. The following lists the casualties of both aircraft. F/Os R.J. Blake, C.F. Read, G.G. Williams, Sgts W. Brown, R.F. Collier, W. Hardy, G.T. Pine-Coffin, D.B. Robertson, R.B. Russell, L.F. Webb, F/Ls G.F. Hogg, F.E. King, and A.L. Silverman, all RAF. Wing Commander Pilot Coventry is buried in the Centre Cemetery, Maubeuge, Nord, France. Both brothers names are listed on the Oak Bay Memorial in Victoria, B.C.
COVENTRY, ROBERT GEORGE F/L(P) 33023 – Royal Air Force. From Victoria, British Columbia. Died Sep 23/40 age 30. BROTHER to Henry Reginald Coventry. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Coventry is buried at Down, Hatherley, Gloucestershire, England. Both brothers names are listed on the Oak Bay Memorial in Victoria, B.C.
COVER, JOHN ALBERT SGT(P) R69517. From Long Branch, Ontario. Killed in Action Jun 29/41 age 20. #82 Squadron (Super Omnia Ubique). Sgt Cover was killed when his Blenheim aircraft was shot down off the north coast of Africa. Sergeant Pilot Cover is buried in the Tripoli War Cemetery, Libya.
COWAN, EMERSON WELDON S/L(P) C853. From Ottawa, Ontario. Killed in Action Jan 20/44 age 24. #415 Swordfish Squadron (Ad Metam). Albacore aircraft #X 9280 went down in the sea after a successful attack against an enemy destroyer off Calais, France. F/O D.T. Wood (RAF) was also killed. Squadron Leader Pilot Cowan has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
COWAN, HENRY F/L(P) J12564//R135097. From Trout River, British Columbia. Killed in Action Apr 19/45 age 24. #402 City of Winnipeg Squadron. The Squadron was chasing two German aircraft over Parchim aerodrome between 500 to 900 feet and encountered heavy flak. The Squadron broke and took evasive action, reformed and F/L Cowan was missing. The burning wreckage of Spitfire aircraft #RN 204 was seen on the centre of the aerodrome which was occupied by Russian troops at the time. F/L Cowan was a Jew and had arrived in Canada in 1938 after escaping the Germans. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Cowan is buried in the Berlin War Cemetery, Charlottenburg, Germany.
COWAN, JOHN HENRY WO1(WAG) R95716. From Alexandria, Ontario. Killed May 19/44 age 28. #11 Bomber Reconnaissance Squadron, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Hudson aircraft lost. Please see F/L DI. Jones for casualty list and flight detail. Warrant Officer Class I Wireless Operator Air Gunner Cowan has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Ottawa War Memorial, Ottawa, Ontario.
COWAN, JOHN WILLIAM CANNEL FS(WAG) R74781. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Died Aug 23/42 age 19. #58 Squadron (Alis Noctumis) FS Cowan was accidentally drowned at Mawganporth, Cornwall. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Cowan is buried in the Major Cemetery, St. Columb, Cornwall, England.
COWAN, LEO MARTIN FS(WAG) R86910. From Biggar, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Aug 29/42 age 29. #61 Squadron (Per Puram Tunantes). Lancaster aircraft lost. Please see Janiszewski F. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Cowan was buried at Obermichelback, Germany, exhumed, and reinterred in the War Cemetery at Durnbach, Germany.
COWAN, NICHOLAS EDGAR JOHN P/O(AG) J88253//R209197. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed in Action Jul 29/44 age 21. #434 Bluenose Squadron (In Excelsis Vincimus). Target – Hamburg, Germany. Please see Wallace J.D. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Cowan has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
COWAN, ROBERT JOHN ALEXANDER FS(WAG) R95345. From Minnedosa, Manitoba. Killed in Action Jan 9/43 age 20. #51 Squadron (Swift And Sure), Pathfinder Force. Target – Island of Juist, Holland. Halifax aircraft #DT 483 was shot down over the target. FS E.W. Roberts was also killed. Five of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Cowan has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
COWAN, WALTER SIDNEY F/O(N) J29529//R187198. From Port Carling, Ontario. Killed in Action Nov 2/44 age 26. #186 Squadron. Target – the Ruhr, Germany. Lancaster aircraft #TK 650 was returning from the target when it was hit by flak; F/O Cowan was the only casualty. Flying Officer Navigator Cowan is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.
COWAN, WILLIAM F/O(P) J88196. From Lethbridge, Alberta. Killed in Action Feb 22/45 age 25. #412 Falcon Squadron (Promtus Ad Vindictum). After dive bombing his target F/O Cowan bailed out of his Spitfire aircraft #PL 252. His parachute opened but he hit the tailplane and was killed. Flying Officer Pilot Cowan was buried at Keech, Holland, exhumed, and reburied in the Groesbeck Canadian War Cemetery, Nijmegen, Holland.
COWARD, GEOFFREY FITTON F/L(P) J11052. From Edmonton, Alberta. Killed in Action Mar 1/45 age 24. #613 City of Manchester Squadron (Semper Parate). Mosquito aircraft #NS 859 lost while attacking a railroad in northern Germany. The RAF navigator, WO F.S. Wilsher, was also killed. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Coward is buried in the Becklingen War Cemetery at Soltau, Germany.
COWARD, WILLIAM JOHN WO1(P) R107881. From Regina, Saskatchewan. Killed Nov 11/44 age 21. #1 Service Flying Training School, Camp Borden, Ontario. WO Coward, Sgts K.E. Thomson (RAF), and R.E. Wood (RAF) were killed when Anson aircraft #8415 hit some trees then crashed and burned three miles north-west of Phelpston, Ontario. Warrant Officer Class I Pilot Coward is buried in the Regina Cemetery, Regina, Saskatchewan.
COWELL, RICHARD BRYAN P/O(WAG) J15418. From Edmonton, Alberta. Killed Jul 6/42 age 24. #419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Wellington aircraft crashed. Please see Palmason S.D. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Cowell is buried in St. John Churchyard, Beck Row, Mildenhall, Suffolk, England.
COWIE, DOUGLAS GEORGE P/O(P) J10626. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed Aug 7/42 age 21. #31 General Reconnaissance School, Summerside, Prince Edward Island. Anson aircraft #R 3404 failed to gain sufficient altitude at take-off and struck some trees one half mile off the end of the runway at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. LAC W. McLean (RAF) and Sgt 0,P. Parker (RAF) were also killed. Pilot Officer Pilot Cowie is buried in St. James’ Cemetery, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
COWIE, ERIC EDMOND SGT(N) R151184. From Kirkland Lake, Ontario. Killed Feb 3/44 age 20. #28 Operational Training Unit. Wellington aircraft crashed. Please see Stephens J.M. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Navigator Cowie is buried in the Botley Cemetery, North Hinksey, Berkshire, England.
COWIE, JAMES HECTOR F/L(P) J12812//R128600. From New Westminster, British Columbia. Killed in Action Feb 9/45 age 22. #15 Squadron (Aim Sure). Target – Hohenbudber, Germany. Lancaster aircraft #HK 620, with two engines on fire, exploded and crashed ten miles south-west of Brussels, Belgium. Seven RAF members of the crew, F/O P.J. Day, FSs G.C. Dickinson, M.E. Hathaway, Sgts J. Gregory, J.W. Hall, J. Malcolm, and F/L A.N.L. McQueen were also killed. There were two pilots on board for this flight. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Cowie is buried in the Brussels Town Cemetery, Evere-lesBruxelles, Belgium.
COWIE, JAMES MOORE F/O(P) J24510. From Kansas City, U.S.A. Killed in Action May 30/44 age 23. #175 Squadron (Stop At Nothing). F/O Cowie was killed when his Typhoon aircraft #JP 931 crashed and blew up while he was strafing enemy troops in France. Flying Officer Pilot Cowie has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, England.
COWIE, ROBERT JAMES P/O(AG) J90034//R210906. From Culver City, California, U.S.A. Killed in Action Feb 1/45 age 24. #76 Squadron (Resolute). Target – Mainz, Germany. Please see McBrinn P.J. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Cowie is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.
COWIESON, JOHN HARRISON WO2(WAG) R122979. From Aurora, Ontario. Killed in Action Nov 8/43 age 27. #226 Squadron (Non Sibi Sed Patriae). Mitchell aircraft was engaged in a daylight raid when it shot down at Audembert, France. WOs C.M. Berg and J.A. Grenier were also killed. Warrant Officer Class II Wireless Operator Air Gunner Cowieson was buried at Audembert, exhumed, and reburied in the Calais Canadian War Cemetery, Leubringen, Pas de Calais, France.
COWING, GORDON LLOYD SGT(OB) R63748. From London, Ontario. Killed Jun 15/41 age 24. Wellington aircraft lost. Please see Campbell R.B. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Observer Cowing is buried in the Bone War Cemetery, Algeria.
COWLEY, ROBERT HENRY FS(P) R143634. From Ottawa, Ontario. Killed in Action Jul 19/43 age 28. #295 Squadron. The crew of Halifax aircraft #DK 131 had been towing gliders to Sicily and on return landed at Ras El Ma to refuel. The Halifax departed Ras El Ma and the crew was not heard from again. Flight Sergeant Pilot Cowley has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
COWLEY, STUART HAROLD FS(AG) R109687. From Windsor, Ontario. Killed in Action Sep 17/42 age 19. #1654 Conversion Unit. Lancaster aircraft missing, presumed over target, presumed enemy action. FS J.N. King, Sgt M.J. Crocker, and two RAF members of the crew were also killed. Two of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Cowley is buried in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.
COWLING, JOHN WESLEY F/L(P) J10304. From Peterborough, Ontario. Killed in Action Sep 20/44 age 29. #430 City of Sudbury Squadron. Mustang aircraft #AM 201 lost during a tactical reconnaissance over the Eindhoven area of Holland. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Cowling is buried in the Communal Cemetery, Voorselaar, Antwerp, Belgium.
COWMAN, JAMES ALLAN SGT(FE) R75569. From Hamilton, Ontario. Killed in Action Jul 30/43 age 26. #9 Bomber Reconnaissance Squadron, Bella Bella, British Columbia. Canso aircraft #9789 was commencing a patrol when it crashed and burned on a mountainside at Alarm Cove, Bella Bella. Sergeant Flight Engineer Cowman is buried in the Woodland Cemetery at Hamilton, Ontario.
COWNDEN, VINCENT JOSEPH P/O(AG) J88410//R197889. From Victoria, British Columbia. Killed in Action Apr 28/44 age 20. #434 Bluenose Squadron (In Excelsis Vincimus). Target – Montzen, Belgium. Please see P/O G.W. Snow CG. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Cownden is buried in the Maastricht General Cemetery, Holland.
COWPERTHWAITE, EDWARD MORRIS F/L(P) 43142 – Royal Air Force. From Brantford, Ontario. Killed Nov , 1941 age 29. BROTHER to Lonsdale Cowperthaite. F/L Cowperthwaite was an instructor and was killed when he encountered a snowstorm. The controls on his aircraft jammed and he was killed in the crash. F/L Cowperthwaite was born in England and migrated to Canada in 1924. Flight Lieutenant Piilot Cowperthawite is buried in London, England.
COWPERTHWAITE, LONSDALE F/L(P) J3726 MiD. From Brantford, Ontario. Killed in Action Feb 12/42 age 28. #407 Demon Squadron (To Hold On High). BROTHER to Edward Morris Cowperthwaite. Hudson aircraft #AM 598 was armed with 4 x 250 lb. bombs and was lost while attacking the German escort vessels that were escorting the German battleships, Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, through the English Channel. Sgt W.B. Lenover, F/O J.E. Lister, and FS N.F. Jordan (RAF) were also killed. This was FL. Cowperthwaite’s 31st operation and there were two #407 Squadron aircraft lost on this sortie. Please see S/L W.A. Anderson D.F.C. for detail of the other crew. F/L Cowperthwaite was born in England and migrated to Canada in 1924. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Cowperthwaite has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England. Addendum: – Mention in Despatches – No.407 Squadron – Award effective 9 June 1942 as per London Gazette dated 11 June 1942 and AFRO 1000-1001/42 dated 3 July 1942. Enlisted in Toronto; trained at No.1 ITS, No.1 EFTS and graduated from No.5 SFTS, Brantford, 28 January 1941. DHist file 181.009 D.2620 (RG.24 Vol.20628) has recommendation dated 4 March 1942 for him, P/O J.E. Lister and FS Norman John Jones (RAF). Missing 12 February 1942 (Hudson AM598); mother in UK; name on Runnymede Memorial. Flying Officer Cowperthwaite with his crew, Pilot Officer Lister and Flight Sergeant Jones, led a formation attack on the 12th February 1942 against an enemy force which was proceeding northwards up the Channel. His aircraft was last seen by another pilot to be going down to attack one of the enemy warships. This crew failed to return. “This exceptional crew have been engaged on many day and night operations and have always been amongst the first to volunteer for a difficult and dangerous mission. They made a special request to be on this operation.” Flying Officer Cowperthwaite had previously attacked four merchant vessels, two of which were definitely damaged. These ships were of 4/5000 tons each. No claim was made for the other two vessels. He has flown on 30 operational flights, 20 of which were at night. Flight Sergeant Jones was on his second tour of operational duty and had flown a total of 350 operational hours.” Detail provided by H. Halliday, Orleans, Ontario.
COX, DAVID REID FS(P) R65319. From Isaacs Harbor, Nova Scotia. Killed Apr 14/42 age 23. #1652 Conversion Unit. The pilot of Halifax aircraft #L 9576 was engaged in a two-engine flying practise when one wing dropped and the aircraft went into a spin. The pilot did not recover and the aircraft hit the ground at a flat angle one mile north-east of Wetherby. Eight RAF airmen were also killed. Flight Sergeant Pilot Cox is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.
COX, EDMUND THOMAS P/O(P) J16786//R106789. From Oliver, British Columbia. Killed in Action Feb 7/43 age 30. #424 Tiger Squadron (Castigandos Castigamus). Wellington aircraft crashed. Please see Patterson J.M. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Pilot Cox was buried on Norderney Island, exhumed, and reinterred in the Sage War Cemetery, Oldenburg, Land Niedersachsen, Germany.
COX, EVERARD THOMAS P/O(P) J14459. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed in Action Aug 23/42 age 21. #120 Bomber Reconnaissance Squadron, Coal Harbor, British Columbia. Stranraer aircraft missing. Please see Stuart R.B. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Pilot Cox has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Ottawa War Memorial, Ottawa, Ontario.
COX, HARRY KENNY SGT(P) R95453. From Union Point, Manitoba. Killed Jul 2/42 ago 19. #19 Elementary Flying Training School, Virden, Manitoba. Tiger Moth #3878 aircraft was engaged in dual night flying instruction when it crashed two miles south-east of the aerodrome at Virden. Sergeant Pilot Cox is buried in the Family Plot of the Union Point United Church Cemetery, Union Point, Manitoba.
COX, HENRY F/O(AG) J27318. From Comox, British Columbia. Killed in Action Jan 29/44 age 25. #433 Porcupine Squadron (Qui S’y Frotte S’y Pique). Target – Berlin, Germany. Halifax aircraft #HX 281 ran out of fuel due to enemy air attacks and crashed five miles north-east of Thirsk, Yorkshire. The crew abandoned the aircraft before the crash but F/O Cox was killed when his parachute fouled on the aircraft. Flying Officer Air Gunner Cox is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.
COX, HORATIO LESLIE SGT(AG) 798636 – Royal Air Force. From St. John’s, Newfoundland. Killed in Action Aug 1/42 age 21. #405 City of Vancouver Squadron (Ducimus). Halifax aircraft lost. Please see Nadeau L.J. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Cox is buried in the Woensel General Cemetery, Eindhoven, North Brabant, Holland.
COX, JACK SCOTT F/O(P) J22347. From Brockville, Ontario. Killed in Action Jun 6/44 age 23. #430 City of Sudbury Squadron. F/O Cox was killed when Mustang aircraft #AG 465 crashed eight miles north-east of Bernay, France. Flying Officer Pilot Cox is buried in the Bretteville-SurLaize Canadian War Cemetery, France.
COX, JOHN MAYNARD WO2(P) R193160. From Oakville, Ontario. Killed in Action Jun 14/45 age 22. #194 Squadron. The crew of Dakota aircraft were on a supply operation when they crashed three miles south of Myingyan, Burma. F/L J.M. Rice and one passenger, not Canadian, were also killed. Warrant Officer Class II Pilot Cox is buried in the Taukkyan War Cemetery, Rangoon, Burma.
COX, KENNETH DENISON F/L(N) J6157//R74595. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed in Action Jan 3/45 age 24. #215 Squadron (Surgite Nox Adest). Liberator aircraft lost. Please see F/O J.M. Potts for casualty list and other detail. Flight Lieutenant Navigator Cox has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Singapore War Memorial, Malaya.
COX, KENNETH JAMES F/O(N) J20251. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed Nov 26/43 age 28. #410 Cougar Squadron (Noctivaga). Two Mosquito aircraft were returning from an interception practice and were at 12,000 feet when they collided. F/Os Cox and J. Blanchfield were both killed in aircraft #DD 669 when it crashed at Nazeing Common, Hertfordshire, England. Flying Officer Navigator Cox is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, -England.
COX, OWEN JAMES F/O(N) J24717. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Nov 5/44 age 22. #178 Squadron (Irae Emissarii). Liberator aircraft lost. Please see Chapman K.L. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Navigator Cox is buried in the British Military Cemetery at Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
COX, PAUL CONROY F/O(WAG) J11843. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Feb 20/44 age 24. #426 Thunderbird Squadron (On Wings of Fire). Target – Leipzig, Germany. Please see Hancock H.A. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Cox is buried in the Woensel General Cemetery, Eindhoven, North Brabant, Holland.
COX, ROBERT LEITH FS(P) R72605. From Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Killed in Action Jun 2/42 age 25. #142 Squadron (Determination). Wellington aircraft #Z 1410 had the port engine fail and then it crashed at Thoresby Bridge, Lincolnshire. P/O D.P. McDonald and three RAF members of the crew were also killed. Flight Sergeant Pilot Cox is buried in the Scartho Road Cemetery, Grimsby, Lincolnshire, England.
COX, STANLEY JAMES WO1(WAG) R119595. From Bersford, Manitoba. Killed in Action Jun 21/45 age 22. #435 Chinthe Squadron (Certi Provehendi). Dakota aircraft lost. Please see F/L J.W. Kyle D.F.C. & Bar for casualty list and other detail. Warrant Officer Class I Wireless Operator Air Gunner Cox has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Singapore War Memorial, Malaya.
COYLE, JOHN WILLIAM F/O(P) J29093//R174647. From Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Killed Mar 3/45 age 24. #20 Operational Training Unit (Train To Triumph). F/O Coyle was engaged in Beam approach training and was killed when his Oxford aircraft #V 4260 went out of control and crashed one mile south-east of Brampton, Lincolnshire, England. One of the crew, not Canadian, was also killed. Flying Officer Pilot Coyle is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.
COYNE, EDWARD KENNETH P/O(AG) J94267//R212916 D.F.C. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Apr 5/45 age 23. #7 Squadron (Per Diem Per Noctum), Pathfinder Force. Target – Hamburg, Germany. Lancaster aircraft #NG 229 was shot down five miles from the target. Six of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Coyne was buried at Hamburg, exhumed, and reburied in the Becklingen War Cemetery at Soltau, Germany. Addendum: – Distinguished Flying Cross – No.7 Squadron (deceased) – Award effective 3 April 1945 as per London Gazette dated 1 March 1946 and AFRO 418/46 dated 18 April 1946. Home in Toronto; enlisted there 16 December 1942. Trained at No.3 BGS (graduated 29 October 1943). Killed in action 415 April 1945 (Lancaster NG229); buried in Germany. Award presented to next-of-kin, 1 December 1948. The citation reads – ‘This warrant officer has completed, as air gunner, numerous operations against the enemy in the course of which he has invariably displayed the utmost fortitude, courage and devotion to duty.” Detail provided by H. Halliday, Orleans, Ontario.
COYNE, VINCENT HAROLD P/O(P) J90927//R111933. From Chesterville, Ontario. Killed Dec 28/44 age 27. #3 Ferry Unit. P/O Coyne was flying Corsair aircraft #KD 503 and was killed when he flew into a hillside in rain and cloud 35 miles north-east of the aerodrome at Oujda, Morocco. Pilot Officer Pilot Coyne is buried at le Pettit Lac Cemetery, Oran, Algeria.
COYSH, DAVID WHITTIER P/O(P) 41671 – Royal Air Force. From Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Killed in Action Feb 12/40 age 20. #234 Squadron (Ignem Mortemque Despdimus). P/O Coysh was killed when his Spitfire aircraft collided on the runway with another Spitfire. Pilot Officer Pilot Coysh is buried at Laconfield, England.
COZENS, PAUL JOSEPH WO2(P) R105169. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Apr 14/43 age 23. #420 Snowy Owl Squadron (Pugnamus Finitum). Wellington aircraft lost. Please see Paplowski J. for casualty list and flight detail. Warrant Officer Class II Pilot Cozens is buried in the Communal Cemetery, Rocquigny, Ardennes, France.
CRABB, WILLIAM THOMAS FS(WAG) R71397. From Souris, Manitoba. Killed in Action Sep 8/42 age 30. #37 Squadron (Wise Without Eyes). Wellington aircraft crashed into a hill, one of the crew, not Canadian, was also killed. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Crabb has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Alamein War Memorial, Egypt.
CRABTREE, CHARLES MAURICE P/O(AG) J95152//R225434. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Oct 14/44 age 23. #425 Alouette Squadron (Je Te Plumerai). Target – Duisburg, Germany. Please see Hogg L.H. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Crabtree was buried at Lobberich, Germany, exhumed, and reburied in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany. Addendum: – P/O Crabtree was shot by the Germans as he was descending in his parachute. Detail provided by W.L. Durham, Waterloo, Ontario.
CRABTREE, EDMOND CLAY FS(P) R121328. From Cardston, Alberta. Killed Sep 11/43 age 22. #4 Radio School. FS Crabtree lost his life when his Proctor aircraft #HM 360 crashed near Talcarth, Breckonshire, England. One airman, not Canadian, was also killed. Flight Sergeant Pilot Crabtree is buried in the Haycombe Cemetery, Bath, Englishcombe, Somerset, England.
CRACKNELL, RICHARD STEPHEN SGT(AG) R215305. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed Jun 27/44 age 19. #18 Operational Training Unit. Wellington aircraft crashed. Please see Marchington G.F. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Cracknell is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.
CRACKNELL, WALTER CHARLES F/L(P) J8353. From Fort William, Ontario. Killed in Action Mar 31/44 age 22. #426 Thunderbird Squadron (On Wings of Fire). Target – Nuremberg, Germany. F/L Cracknell was on his 5th operation when his Lancaster aircraft went down. Please see Orr H.F. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Lieutenant Pilot Cracknell is buried in the War Cemetery at Durnbach, Germany.
CRAFTS, ROBERT HARLAND SGT(WAG) 18074A. From Kingsville, Ontario. Killed in Action Jul 2/41 age 21. #149 East India Squadron (Fortis Nocte). Sgts Crafts, C.C. Reidmuller (RAF), FS A.R.J. Harrison (RAF), and P/O S.L. St. Vincent-Welch (RAAF) were on a bombing training exercise and were killed when their Wellington aircraft went missing. Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Crafts is buried in the Kerfautras Cemetery, Lambezellec, Brest, Finistere, France.
CRAIB, GEORGE RICHARD ROBERT HENRY F/O(BA) J38252. From Kamloops, British Columbia. Killed in Action Jan 15/45 age 22. #431 Iroquois Squadron (The Hatiten Ronteriios). Target – Merseburg, Germany. Please see Rau O.J. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Bomb Aimer Craib is buried in the Berlin War Cemetery, Charlottenburg, Germany.
CRAIG, ALFRED BURTON FS(OB) R50369. From St. John, New Brunswick. Killed in Action Aug 13/42 age 23. #120 Squadron. Liberator aircraft crashed in the sea thirty miles south-west of Tory Island, north-west of County Donegal, Ireland. One RNZAF, and two RAF members of the crew were also killed. Flight Sergeant Observer Craig has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
CRAIG, DOUGLAS EARL CPL R51049, From Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Killed Jun 3/41 age 24. #11 Bomber Reconnaissance Squadron, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Hudson aircraft crashed. Please see Snow G.B. for casualty list and flight detail. Corporal Craig is buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
CRAIG, JAMES F/O(BA) J21466 D.F.C. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed in Action Mar 31/44 age 22. #97 Squadron (Achieve Your Aim), Pathfinder Force. The crew of Lancaster aircraft #ND 640 were engaged in a night attack against Nuremberg, Germany when they were shot down by German Lt Becker flying an ME-110 night fighter aircraft. F/Os R.J. Weller D.F.M., FS E. Hill (RAF), F/Ls L.V. Hyde (RAF), E.H. Palmer (RAF), P/Os M.E. Putt (RAF), and R. Taylor D.F.C. (RAF) were also killed. This aircraft was one of 108 Allied shot down this night. This was F/O Craig’s 29th operation. Flying Officer Bomb Aimer Craig is buried in the Limmer British Cemetery at Hanover, Germany. Addendum: – Distinguished Flying Cross – No.97 Squadron – Award effective 24 May 1944 as per London Gazette of that date and AFRO 1444/44 dated 7 July 1944. Home in Winnipeg; enlisted there 14 May 1941. Trained at No.1 ITS (graduated 8 May 1942), No.10 EFTS (ceased training 31 July 1942), No.5 AOS (graduated 20 November 1942) and No.7 BGS (graduated 9 October 1942). Invested with award by the King, 10 March 1945. The citation reads – “This officer has taken part in numerous sorties against German targets including nine against Berlin. An excellent air bomber, by his determination in the face of heavy enemy opposition he has played no small part in the successful completion of many missions. On several occasions his aircraft has been damaged by fire from the enemy defences.” Detail provided by H. Halliday, Orleans, Ontario.
CRAIG, JOHN F/L(WAG) J16026. From Selkirk, Manitoba. Killed in Action Sep 27/43 age 20. #407 Demon Squadron (To Hold On High). Wellington aircraft lost. Please see Vye B.F. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Lieutenant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Craig has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
CRAIG, JOHN ROBERT WILLIAM P/O(N) J12717. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Dec 30/42 age 23. RAF Ferry Command. Boston aircraft #BL 238 missing. Pilot Officer Navigator Craig has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Ottawa War Memorial, Ottawa, Ontario.
CRAIG, MALCOLM JAMES COURTLAND SGT(WAG) R53808. From Lancaster, Ontario. Killed in Action May 17/41 age 23. #22 Operational Training Unit. Wellington aircraft failed to return from operations. Four of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Craig has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
CRAIG, MICHAEL JOSEPH SGT(WAG) R123025. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed Feb 14/44 age 23. #22 Operational Training Unit. Wellington aircraft crashed. Please see Shields R.W. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Craig is buried in the Stratford-On-Avon Cemetery, Evesham Road, Warwickshire, England.
CRAIG, ROBERT GERALD SGT(OB) R69832. From Toronto, Ontario. Died Sep 22/41 age 20. #75 New Zealand Squadron (Ake Ake Kia Kaha). Wellington aircraft #T 2805 returned from a bombing operation, ran out of fuel due to bad weather and crashed at Horning, Norfolk on September 21, 1941. Sgt Craig died the next day in the Norwich County Hospital of injuries sustained in the crash. Sergeant Observer Craig is buried in the Scottow Cemetery, Norfolk, England.
CRAIG, ROBERT KENNETH FS(WAG) R53847. From Fitzroy Harbour, Ontario. Killed in Action Jan 26/42 age 42. #102 Ceylon Squadron (Tentate Et Perficite). Whitley aircraft #Z 9283 failed to return from operations. Four RAF members of the crew were also killed. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Craig has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
CRAIG, STANLEY MAYNARD FS(WAG) R125457. From Ottawa, Ontario. Killed Oct 23/43 age 21. #48 Squadron (Forte Et Ficlele). Hudson aircraft crashed. Please see FS D.J. Cotter for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Craig has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Malta War Memorial, Malta.
CRAIG, WALTER P/O(AG) J181061/R90569. From Schumacher, Ontario. Killed in Action Aug 13/43 age 26. #70 Squadron (Usquam). Wellington aircraft #HZ 427 missing during night operations, presumed enemy action. Five of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Craig has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Malta War Memorial, Malta.
CRAIG, WALTER DAVID P/O(AG) J18448//R74224 DFM. From Westboro, Ontario. Killed in Action Aug 24/43 age 26. #435 Squadron (Uno Animo Agimus), Pathfinder Force. Halifax aircraft #HR 928 lost during night operations to Berlin, Germany. P/O5 R.W. Nixon, D.F.C., W.P. McIntosh, D.F.M., WO O.L. Bliss, D.F.C., and three of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Craig is buried in the Berlin War Cemetery, Charlottenburg, Germany. Addendum: – Distinguished Flying Medal -No.35 Squadron – Award effective 1 September 1943 as per London Gazette dated 10 September 1943 and AFRO 2258/43 dated 5 November 1943. Home in Westborough, Ontario; enlisted Ottawa, 10 October 1940. Trained at No.6 BGS (graduated 29 September 1941) and No.1 WS (graduated 17 August 1941). Award presented 17 April 1947. The citation reads – “Flight Sergeant Craig has completed numerous night bombing sorties against targets in enemy territory. These have included Berlin and Turin and other dangerous and distant objectives. During all these missions he has proved himself to be a most conscientious and efficient air gunner, and his constant watchfulness has, on more than one occasion, enabled his captain to evade fighters.” Detail provided by H. Halliday, Orleans, Ontario.
CRAIG, WILFRID GORDON P/O(P) J41200//R187958. From Merlin, Ontario. Killed Mar 21/44 age 19. #41 Flying Instructor School, Trenton, Ontario. P/Os Craig and A.R. Ross (RAAF) were killed when Cornell aircraft #FH 723 crashed five miles south of the aerodrome at Mountainview, Ontario. Pilot Officer Pilot Craig is buried in the Union Cemetery at Parcloville, Ontario.
CRAIG, WILLIAM JOSEPH LAC R68235 – aero engine mechanic. From Goderich, Ontario. Died May 6/45 age 28. #410 Repair and Service Unit, Germany. LAC Craig accidentally drank methyl alcohol and died in the 4126 Wing Hospital at Deipholz, Germany. Leading AirCraftman Craig is buried in the War Cemetery at Celle, Germany.
CRAIG, WILLIAM WARREN WO2(AG) R63057. From Newcastle, New Brunswick. Killed Jul 21/42 age 29. #35 Squadron (Uno Animo Agimus). Halifax aircraft crashed near Lancaster, Yorkshire. FS H.R. Giddens, Sgt RM. Thurgoocl (RAF), and five other RAF crew members were also killed. Warrant Officer Class II Air Gunner Craig is buried in All Saints Churchyard, Newton-upon-Ouse, Yorkshire, England.
CRAIGIE, CHARLES CLEGHORN BROCKIE P/O(WAG) J952311/R171385. From Ludlow, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Killed in Action Feb 24/45 age 21. #415 Swordfish Squadron (Ad Metam). Target – Kamen, Germany. Please see Russell L.A. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Craigie is buried in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.
CRAIGIE, JAMES EDGAR DONALD F/O(N) J22535. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Jun 26/43 age 25. #106 Squadron (Pro Libertate). The crew of Lancaster aircraft W 4256 left base and were never heard from again, presumed enemy action. Sgts J.F. Bates (RAF), E.G. Crook (RAF), G.W. Enright (RAF), E.T. Harding (RAF), S.G. White (RAF), and FS M.B. Watt (RAAF) were also killed. Flying Officer Navigator Craigie is buried in the General Cemetery, Hippolytushoef, Wieringen, Holland.
CRAIK, DAVE STEWART SGT(OB) R61304. From Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Jan 15/41 age 26. #22 Squadron (Preux Et Audacieux). Beaufort aircraft #W 6489 missing from operations. Sergeant Observer Craik has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
CRAIK, MURRAY CLAYTON WO2(BA) R110957. From Baldur, Manitoba. Killed in Action Sep 24/43 age 23. #467 Australia Squadron. Lancaster aircraft #EE 135 was shot down near Mannheim, Germany during a night trip to Essen, Germany. FS H.A. Green was also killed. Five of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Warrant Officer Class II Bomb Aimer Craik is buried in the War Cemetery at Durnbach, Germany.
GRAIN, WILLIAM GILBERT FS(AG) R143665. From Clarendon Station, Ontario. Killed in Action Oct 22/43 age 25. #427 Lion Squadron (Forte Manus Certas). Halifax aircraft #LK 959 lost during night operations against Kassel, Germany. F/L W.J. Weston, FSs J.O. Lapointe, G.E. Aitken, P/O E.T. McDermott, Sgt R.E. Pedder (RAF), and WO D.H. Welch (RAF) were also killed. Flight Sergeant Air Gunner Crain is buried in the Canadian War Cemetery, Bergen-OpZoom, Holland.
CRAM, JOHN SAMUEL P/O(N) J27370//R110884. From Morden, Manitoba. Killed Sep 7/43 age 26. #45 Delivery Group, Dorvat, Quebec. Liberator aircraft lost. Please see P/O Eric 0. Smith for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Navigator Cram is buried in the European Cemetery, Accra, Ghana.
CRAM, MERVYN FS(WAG) R82071. From City View, Ontario. Killed in Action Aug 23/42 age 25. #120 Bomber Reconnaissance Squadron, Coal Harbor, British Columbia. Stranraer aircraft crashed. Please see Stuart R.B. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Cram has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Ottawa War Memorial, Ottawa, Ontario.
CRAMER, WILLIAM FREDERICK LAC R76815 – driver. From Camrose, Alberta. Killed Mar 9/42 age 20. #401 Ram Squadron (Mors Celerrima Hostibus). LAC Cramer was killed when run into by an omnibus outside the WAAF Quarters, The Cedars, Oakley Road, Keston, Kent. Leading AirCraftman Cramer is buried in the Brookwood Military Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England.
CRAMM, REGINALD HARRISON SGT(AG) 798741 – Royal Air Force. From St. John’s, Newfoundland. Killed in Action Jun 23/43 age 21. #218 Gold Coast Squadron (In Time). Stirling aircraft failed to return from operations. Six of the crew, not Canadians, missing believed killed. Sergeant Air Gunner Cramm has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
CRANCH, FRANCIS EDWARD P/O(BA) J89914//R153175. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed Apr 12/44 age 31. #432 Leaside Squadron (Saevitir Ad Lucem). Halifax aircraft crashed. Please. see Hindmarsh F.C. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Bomb Aimer Cranch is buried in the Tottenham and Wood Green Cemetery, Tottenham, Middlesex, England.
CRANE, BEVERLEY DWIGHT FS(WAG) R100225. From Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Killed Sep 29/42 age 21. #420 Operational Training Unit (Train To Triumph). Wellington aircraft flew into the top of a cliff three miles east of MacDuff, Scotland. F/L W.R.I. Walmsley (RAF) and two others of the crew, not Canadians, were also killed. FS Crane had been moderately injured on August 5, 1942 when his #20 OTU. Wellington aircraft overshot a landing and crashed north-west of the Elgin aerodrome, England. Flight Sergeant Wireless Operator Air Gunner Crane is buried in the Lossiemouth Burial Ground, Drainie, Morayshire, Scotland.
CRANE, WILBURT MCLARTY FS(OB) R79675. From Weyburn, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action May 15/42 age 26. #407 Demon Squadron (To Hold On High). Hudson aircraft lost. Please see Cook G.F. for casualty list and flight detail. This was FS Crane’s first operational flight. Flight Sergeant Observer Crane has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
CRANNA, WILLIAM THOMAS SGT(BA) R93683. From Lacombe, Alberta. Killed in Action Sep 10/42 age 21. #422 Operational Training Unit. Wellington aircraft lost. Please see Williams J.D. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Bomb Aimer Cranna is buried in the Northern Cemetery, Flushing, Zealand, Holland.
CRANSTON, JAMES FRANCIS SGT(P) R54048. From Arnprior, Ontario. Killed May 31/41 age 21. #49 Bombing and Gunnery School. Fairey Battle aircraft lost. Sergeant Pilot Cranston is buried in the Pwllheli Borough Cemetery, Caernarvonshire, Wales.
CRANSWICK, DOUGLAS FS(OB) R74850. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed in Action Jun 28/42 age 21. #150 Squadron (Aiei Anomen). Wellington aircraft lost. Please see FS L.A. Cauchy for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Observer Cranswick is buried in the Oud Leusden Cemetery, Amersfoort, Utrecht, Holland.
CRAWFORD, ALLAN BRUCE P/O(P) J44021. From Flint, Michigan, U.S.A. Killed Feb 12/45 age 20. #3 Operational Training Unit, Patricia Bay, British Columbia. Canso aircraft crashed. Please see Kingswood G.T. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Pilot Crawford is buried in the Grace Lawn Cemetery, Flint, Michigan, U.S.A.
CRAWFORD, DAVID GORDON F/O(P) J28749//R168216. From Madison, Georgia, U.S.A. Killed in Action Jan 10/45 age 23. #72 Squadron (Swift). Spitfire aircraft #MJ 203 was engaged in a daylight rail cutting operation and after attacking a train at Canaro, Italy the aircraft was hit by 88 millimeter flak. F/O Crawford got out of the aircraft at 5,000 feet, at 3,000 feet he appeared to be hanging on to the radio mast, at 1,000 feet he got clear of the aircraft and fell without opening his parachute. The Spitfire hit the ground fifteen miles southeast of Ferraro, Italy. Flying Officer Pilot Crawford is buried in the Argenta Gap War Cemetery, Ferrara, Italy.
CRAWFORD, GEORGE HAMILTON LAC(P) R214083 – under training. From Ottawa, Ontario. Killed Aug 19/44 age 20. #2 Service Flying Training School, Uplands, Ontario. LAC Crawford was killed when Harvard aircraft #2691 crashed four miles north of Lindsay, Ontario. Leading AirCraftman Pilot Crawford is buried in the Beechwood Cemetery at Ottawa, Ontario.
CRAWFORD, HARRY JAMES SGT(N) 973264 – Royal Air Force. From Canora, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action Oct 21/43 age 22. #161 Squadron. Hudson aircraft lost whilst engaged in special duties dropping supplies and agents. Sergeant Navigator Crawford is buried in the Valanciennes Cemetery, France.
CRAWFORD, JOHN JOSEPH SGT(AG) R186496. From Hamilton, Ontario. Killed in Action Nov 18/43 age 19. #429 Bison Squadron (Fortunae Nihil). Target – Mannheim, Germany. Please see FS Stanley Smith for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Crawford is buried in the War Cemetery at Rheinberg, Germany.
CRAWFORD, KENNETH FlO(BA) J25081//R157472. From Dauphin, Manitoba. Killed in Action Jan 3/44 age 19. #432 Leaside Squadron (Saevitir Ad Lucem). Target – Berlin, Germany. Please see Scott J.E. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Bomb Aimer Crawford was buried at Kothen, Germany, exhumed, and reburied in the Berlin War Cemetery, Charlottenburg, Germany.
CRAWFORD, NATHAN S/L(NB) J12954 D.F.C. From Moncton, New Brunswick. Killed in Action Jan 2/45 age 35. #405 City of Vancouver Squadron (Ducimus), Pathfinder Force. Lancaster aircraft #PB 477 was shot down near Rohrau, Germany during a raid against Nuremberg, Germany. F/O G.F. Geeves, D.F.C., WIG. K.J. Lawson 0.5.0. and Bar, D.F.C. (RAF), F/L A.G. Duke D.F.M. (RAF), and P/O S.H. Fitzhenry (RAAF) were also killed. One Canadian, WO D.G. Plyley, and one of the crew, not Canadian, were taken Prisoners of War. Squadron Leader Navigator/Bomb Aimer Crawford was buried at Rohrau, exhumed, and reburied in the War Cemetery at Durnbach, Germany. Addendum: – Distinguished Flying Cross – No.156 Squadron – Award effective 1 December 1944 as per London Gazette dated 12 December 1944 and AFRO 337/45 dated 23 February 1945. American in the RCAF according to large DI-list card, although home is given as Chatham, New Brunswick (perhaps because his wife was living there) and place of enlistment is North Bay, Ontario (9 September 1941). Trained at No.5 ITS (graduated 15 January 1942), No.6 AOS (graduated 25 April 1942), No.6 BGS and No.1 ANS S 20 July 1941 Killed in action with No.405 Squadron, 2 January 1945 (Lancaster PB477); buried in Germany. Award presented to his widow, 1 April 1949. No citation other than “ recognition of gallantry and devotion to duty in the execution of air operations against the enemy.” Detail provided by H. Halliday, Orleans, Ontario.
CRAWFORD, NORMAN WILLARD SGT(AG) R190343. From St. John, New Brunswick. Killed Jan 2/44 age 21. #82 Operational Training Unit. Wellington aircraft crashed. Please see Henfrey J. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Crawford is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.
CRAWFORD, ORVILLE EVERETT FS(OB) R68063. From Tara, Ontario. Killed in Action May 30/42 age 24. #419 Moose Squadron (Moosa Aswayita). Target – Genevilliers, France. Please see Cavaghan E.G. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Observer Crawford is buried in the New Communal Cemetery, Virof lay, Seine-etOise, France.
CRAWFORD, ROBERT CREE W/C(P) 34146 D.F.C. – Royal Air Force. From Montreal, Quebec. Killed in Action Jun 20/45 age 34. #194 Squadron. Dakota aircraft lost during operations. W/C. Crawford had flown Lysander aircraft with #26 Squadron during the evacuation of France. Wing Commander Pilot Crawford is buried at Rangoon, Burma.
CRAWFORD, THOMAS ALVIN FS(P) R87315. From Harris, Saskatchewan. Killed May 6/42 age 21. #13 Operational Training Unit, Bicester, England. Blenheim aircraft #L 8755 missing during a cross- country exercise including a route over the sea, presumed to have flown into the sea. One RNZAF and one RAF airman missing believed killed. Flight Sergeant Pilot Crawford is buried in the Nes General Cemetery, Ameland, Frisian Islands, Friesland, Holland.
CRAWFORD, THOMAS JAMES LARMOUR CPL(WAG) R65841. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Jul 26/41 age 33. #10 North Atlantic Squadron, Gander, Newfoundland. Digby aircraft crashed. Please see Tomsett M.E. for casualty list and flight detail. Corporal Wireless Operator Air Gunner Crawford is buried in the Gander Cemetery, Gander, Newfoundland.
CRAWFORD, THOMAS RICHARD FS(P) R202666. From Creston, British Columbia. Killed in Action May 25/45 age 30. #271 Squadron. Dakota aircraft crashed. Please see Scherbarth A.O. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Sergeant Pilot Crawford was buried in the Grand Failly Cemetery, France, exhumed, and reburied in the War Cemetery at Choloy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France.
CRAWFORD, VINCENT F/O(N) J35004. From Hanover, Ontario. Killed in Action Sep 12/44 age 22. #405 City of Vancouver Squadron (Ducim us), Pathfinder Force. Target – Wan n e-E ickel, Germany. Please see Hardy L.G. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Navigator Crawford was buried in the Military Cemetery at Gladbach, Germany, exhumed, and reburied in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery Kleve, Germany.
CRAWFORD, WILLIAM GEORGE F/O(BA) J23127//R147129. From Lena, Manitoba. Killed in Action Jun 1/44 age 21. #622 Squadron (Bellamus Noctu). Lancaster aircraft #ND 926 lost during night operations against Trappes, France. FSs S. Binns (RAF), E.G. Small (RAF), H.S. Thomas (RAF), R.B. Reid (RAAF), Sgt S.L.W. Kelly (RAF), and F/L F.R. Randall (RAF) were also killed. Flying Officer Bomb Aimer Crawford is buried in the Marissel French National Cemetery, Beauvais, Oise, France.
CRAWFORD, WILLIAM SAMUEL F/L(OB) J15665. From High River, Alberta. Killed in Action Dec 21/42 age 21. #156 Squadron (We Light The Way), Pathfinder Force. F/L Crawford had completed over thirty operations and was on his second tour when his Wellington aircraft went down. Please see F/L S.J. Cybulski D.F.C. for casualty list and flight detail. Flight Lieutenant Observer Crawford is buried in the Churchyard Cemetery at Matignicourt-Et-Goncourt, France.
CRAWLEY, DAVID SGT(AG) R183604. From Campbellford, Ontario. Killed in Action Feb 25/44 age 20. #420 Snowy Owl Squadron (Pugnamus Finitum). Target – Schweinfurt, Germany. Please see Long H.M. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Crawley is buried in the War Cemetery at Durnbach, Germany.
CRAWLEY, EDWARD GEORGE P/O(WAG) J90002//R144380. From Oshawa, Ontario. Killed in Action Jul 13/44 age 28. #415 Swordfish Squadron (Ad Metam). Wellington aircraft lost. Please see Sheen R.J. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Wireless Operator Air Gunner Crawley has no known grave, his name is inscribed on the Runnymede War Memorial, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, England.
CRAWLEY, FREDERICK WILLIAM P/O(N) J89905//R197160. From London, Ontario. Killed in Action Aug 17/44 age 21. #158 Squadron (Strength In Unity). Target – Kiel, Germany. Please see Rosen W.B. for casualty list and flight detail. Pilot Officer Navigator Crawley is buried in the Stonefall Cemetery, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, Yorkshire, England.
CRAYSTON, KERRY MILTON P/O(AG) J95218//R260479. From Toronto, Ontario. Killed in Action Nov 15/44 age 20. #115 Squadron (Despite The Elements), Witchford, England. Target – Dortmund, Germany. Two #115 Sqdn. Lancaster aircraft, #NN 706 and #HK 595, were in a mid-air collision over Leverkusen, Germany. P/Os Crayston, D.N. Page, F/L J.W. Davidson, F/Os J.R. Dunford, J.H. Powner (RAF), C.D. Dowse (RAF), and Sgt A.D.W. Gillibrand (RAF) were all killed in aircraft NN 706. Please see Dawson G.F. for the casualty list for aircraft #HK 595. Pilot Officer Air Gunner Crayston is buried in the Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, Kleve, Germany.
CREBA, JOHN FREDERICK F/O(N) J24044. From Winnipeg, Manitoba. Killed in Action Mar 15/44 age 22. #427 Lion Squadron (Ferte Manus Certas). Target – Stuttgart, Germany. Please see Steeves H.B. for casualty list and flight detail. Flying Officer Navigator Creba is buried in the War Cemetery at Durnbach, Germany.
CREBBIN, GORDON JAMES WO2(NB) R128786. From Vancouver, British Columbia. Killed in Action Oct 3/43 age 22. #431 Iroquois Squadron (The Hatiten Ronteriios). Halifax aircraft #LK 295 lost during operations against Kassel, Germany. Sgt C. Wardrope and P/O L.C. Main were also killed. Three Canadians, WOs. Reynoldson, Cudmore, and Sgt Depape taken Prisoners of War, one of the crew, not Canadian, missing believed killed. Warrant Officer Class II Navigator/Bomb Aimer Crebbin was buried in the Enemy Nations Division of the Military Cemetery, St. Vith, Belgium, exhumed, and reburied in the War Cemetery, Hotton, Luxembourg, Belgium.
CREBER, ROBERT THOMAS LAC(P) R162342 – under training. From Newdale, Manitoba. Killed Jul 5/43 age 22. #11 Service Flying Training School, Yorkton, Saskatchewan. Cessna Crane aircraft #7742 and Cessna Crane #4000 were on seperate night navigation exercises when they collided in mid-air and crashed three miles east of Mehan, Saskatchewan. LAC J. Zora was killed in aircraft #7742 and LAC Creber was killed in aircraft #4000. Leading AirCraftman Pilot Creber is buried in the Newdale Cemetery, Newdale, Manitoba.
CREED, ERNEST EDWARD F/O(P) C1457. From Roseland, Ontario. Killed Aug 6/41 age 25. #9 Service Flying Training School, Summerside, Prince Edward Island. F/O Creed and LAC K.P. Bissett were killed when Harvard aircraft #2863 went into a spin at 2,000 feet, failed to recover and crashed near Havelock, New Brunswick. Flying Officer Pilot Creed is buried in Victoria Memorial Park, Windsor, Ontario.
CREEDE, JOSEPH DANIEL SGT(AG) R83409. From Windsor, Ontario. Killed in Action Jul 27/42 age 25. #405 City of Vancouver Squadron (Ducimus). Target – Hamburg, Germany. Please see Slezak H.M. for casualty list and flight detail. Sergeant Air Gunner Creede is buried in the Ohlsdorf Cemetery, Hamburg, Germany.
CREEDEN, JAMES WALDRON P/O(P) J15353//R64432 D.F.M. From Paris, Ontario. Killed in Action May 15/42 age 20. #407 Demon Squadron (To Hold On High). P/O Creeden was on his 31st operation when his Hudson aircraft #AM 864 was badly shot up while attacking enemy shipping in the Frisian Islands. The aircraft crashed and burned whilst making an emergency landing one-half mile north of the Conningsby aerodrome at Woodhall Spa, Norfolk. F/O R.K. Howson, Fas J.H. Powell, J.A. Easton, and D.E. Parks were also killed. P/O Creeden had been slightly injured on August 12, 1941 in a flying accident at the Donna Nook Satellite Aerodrome, Norfolk. He won his D.F.M. on February 12, 1942, the citation reads, “On the afternoon of February 12, 1942 he carried out out an attack on an enemy naval force including the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau battleships off the Dutch coast. In the face of harrassing fire pressed home his attack with utmost determination at very close range. The operation commanded a high degree of skill and courage.” Pilot Officer Pilot Creeden is buried in the St. Mary Churchyard, Great Bircham, Bircham, Norfolk, England. Addendum: – Distinguished Flying Medal – No.407 Squadron – Award effective 13 March 1942 as per London Gazette dated 24 March 1943 and AFRO 611/42 dated 24 April 1942. Born in Brantford, Ontario, 4 February 1922; educated in Paris, Ontario which was his home. Employed at Gypsum, Lime and Alabastrine Co. Ltd in Paris. Enlisted in Hamilton, 2 July 1941. Trained at No.1 ITS and No.3 EFTS. Graduated from No.6 SFTS, Dunnville, 10 February 1941. Later commissioned (315353) but killed in action 16 May 1942 Award presented by Governor General, 3 December 1942. The citation reads – “On the afternoon of 12th February 1942, a force of Beaufort and Hudson aircraft carried out an attack on an enemy naval force including the Schamhorst and Gneisenau off the Dutch coast. In the face of harassing fire from screening destroyers the attack was pressed home with the utmost determination at very close range. Although it has not been possible to assess damage inflicted owing to extremely poor visibility, it is believed that several hits were obtained. The operation demanded a high degree of skill and courage.” Detail provided by H. Halliday, Orleans, Ontario.