A Aalborg to Alder Aldercotte to Anderson Anderton to Armstrong Arn to Ayre B Baay to Banting Barabonoff to Bean Beanland to Bellingham Bellis to Bisheff Bishop to Boothe Bootsma to Bremmer Bremner to Bryant Bryden to Byshe C Cabana to Christie Christien to Clifford Climenhage to Coltman Columbus to Cornell Corner to Creeden Creighton to Czajkowski D Dabbs to Deakin Dean to Doherty Doidge to Dwyer Dye to Dyson E F Facey-Crowther to Foster Fostey to Fyfe G Gaba to Gloeckler Glover to Groulx Grout to Gzowski H Haacke to Hardy Hare to Hayes Haylock to Hill Hillcoat to Horne Hornell to Hyt I Ianuziello to Izzard J Jack to Jutzi K Kaechele to Korbyl Korski to Kyle L M Mabee to Macwatt Macwilliam to McBeath McBeth to McKibbon McKie to Middlemiss Middleton to Morris Morrison to Myron N Nabors to Nutter O O’Beirne to Ozment P Pablo to Phillips Philp to Pullen Pulley to Pyper Q Quanstrom to Quirt R Raban to Ridley Riedy to Russ Russel to Rynski S Sabine to Shapter Sharman to Smirl Smith to Stevenson Steventon to Szymanski T Tabor to Tinker Tinkess to Tyson U Udell to Uzelman V Vacheresse to Vyse W Wabb to Wheeler Y Yackison to Yurkowski Z Zabek to Zywina