Historical Aircraft

July 1941


Tuesday, July 1, 1941

Weather dull, visibility bad, little flying.

Wednesday, July 2, 1941

Fine and sunny.  Visibility good.  F/L Cathels and P/O Waldon in a scramble at 1100 hours and F/O Price and P/O Ball in a scramble at 1530 hours, both without result.

Thursday, July 3, 1941

Dull. One scramble during the day, no interception made.  Squadron’s first night flying programme completed without a hitch.

Friday, July 4, 1941

Dull.  Nothing of importance to report.

Saturday, July 5, 1941

Bright and sunny.  P/O Wood’s undercarriage would not come down during a practice flight and, after circling the aerodrome a few times, was ordered to land at Bagington, where he made a satisfactory emergency landing.

Sunday, July 6, 1941

Bright and sunny.  Nothing of importance during the day.

Monday, July 7, 1941

Dull. Three scrambles during the day.  Red Section (P/O Wood and Anthony) at 1414 hours, Yellow Section (F/L Cathels and Sgt Ryckman) at 1434 and White Section (P/O Price ad P/O Waldon) at 1455 hours.  No results.  W/C Moore crashed in a Beaufighter near Shrewsbury and was taken to the Royal Infirmary there.  It is understood that his injuries are not serious.  P/O Carter posted to an OTU.

Tuesday, July 8, 1941

Dull. Usual training flying.  S/L Morris flew to Redhill and returned.

Wednesday, July 9, 1941

Sunny. P/O (Pappy) Gilbertson to Air Ministry for medical.

Thursday, July 10, 1941

Fine.  One scramble (F/L Christmas and P/O Ford) at 1100 hours.  Nil result.

Friday, July 11, 1941

Weather fine but visibility limited by ground haze.  P/O Murray posted to 161 Squadron Tangmere.  Five aircraft from ‘B’ Flight (F/L Christmas. P/O Ford, P/O Dick, Sgt Sones) took off for Valley at 1737 hours led by the CO who returned to Tern Hill later that evening.  P/O Price and P/O Ball went by road with advance party.  Scramble (F/O McKenna and P/O Gilbertson, 1635 to 1810 hours.  Nil result.

Saturday, July 12, 1941

Weather – Heavy mist – poor visibility.  Squadron visited by AVM (SMO).  Nil flying except weather test, 10 minutes.

Sunday, July 13, 1941

Weather hot and sultry with haze.  Nil flying.

Monday, July 14, 1941

Weather overcast 7/10ths cloud – brighter later.  Sgt Morrison attached to No 3 Delivery Flight.  ‘A’ Flight scramble (F/O McKenna and P/O Anthony) ‘B’ Flight scramble (F/L Cathels and P/O Waldon).  Nil results.  1 Spitfire Mk1 received from 5 M.U. Three Spitfires Mk IIAs received from 36 M.U.  One Spitfire Mk IIA received 8 M.U. One Spitfire Mk IIA received 9M.U.  CO flew to Valley in Spitfire and returned.  Various other flying conducted.

Tuesday, July 15, 1941

Weather overcast and 10/10ths.  Scramble (P/O Wood and P/O Gilbertson).  Nil result.  Various other flying.  Sgts Ryckman, Collinson and Crist posted to 403 from 61 OTU.

Wednesday, July 16, 1941

Weather in the morning was cool 10/10ths cloud with cross winds.  Scramble (F/O McKenna and Sgt Rainville) nil result.  F/L Cathels force landed a Spitfire Mk IIA ½ a mile south of drome.  P/O Waldon flew to Valley and returned.  One Spitfire Mk IIA delivered from 37 M.U. 1 Spitfire Mk IIA delivered from 8 M.U.

Thursday, July 17, 1941

Weather cool bright and sunny 7/10ths cloud.  CO took off for Hornchurch 1230 hours.  The following pilots returned from Valley – F/L Christmas, P/O Price, P/O Ford, P/O Ball, and Sgt Sones.  Various types of flying.  1 Spitfire Mk IIA delivered from 14 M.U.

Friday, July 18, 1941

Weather in the morning – heavy rain with 10/10ths cloud and ground haze.  Weather in the afternoon was sunshine and improved visibility.  One Spitfire Mk IIA delivered from 12 M.U.  F/L Cathels, Mac, Big Bad Wolf, Timber, Pappsy, Doug, and Hidy Ho visited Wrekin and its breath taking beauties.  All returned safely to bass + Table, one.

Saturday, July 19, 1941

Scramble (F/O McKenna and Sgt Rainville) nil result.  Various other flying.

Sunday, July 20, 1941

Various flying.  Visit from Observer Corps.  ‘Farewell Party at Dorth’s – Oh boy!’

Monday, July 21, 1941

Dull cold 10/10ths cloud.  Various flying conducted.

Tuesday, July 22, 1941

Weather bright and sunny.  One Spitfire from 30 M.U. received and CO returned from Hornchurch intact.  Various other flying.

Wednesday, July 23, 1941

Bright and Sunny. Sgt Rainville made a brilliant attack on a stray balloon at Operations request and shot it down.  Two Spitfires did dive-bombing attack at Tidesley in Army co-op exercise.

Thursday, July 24, 1941

Fine and sunny.  Whole Squadron on 15 minutes readiness to go South to reinforce.  Squadron stood by all day and was eventually released at 2255 hours.

Friday, July 25, 1941

Fine and Sunny.  S/L Morris to Speke and returned in Spitfire.  Squadron did cine-gun attacks.  No scramble today and nothing of interest to report.

Saturday, July 26, 1941

Fine and sunny. Sgts German and McDonald, both Canadians, reported to the Squadron for general duties.  Squadron is still concentrating on cine-gun attacks.  No scramble during the day.

Sunday, July 27, 1941

Fine and sunny.  More cine-gun camera practice.  P/O Ball went to Digby and returned.  No scramble during the day.  P/O Carrillo (Canadian) posted tot he Squadron for general duties, also Sgt Case (Canadian).

Monday, July 28, 1941

Day commenced fine and sunny and later turned overcast with rain and mist.  Scrambles – F/O McKenna and Sgt Rainville, P/O Ball and Sgt Collinson, P/O Price and P/O Ford.  Nil results. Various flying.

Tuesday, July 29, 1941

Weather 10/10ths cloud, overcast. Various flying.

Wednesday, July 30, 1941

Weather overcast and squally.  Sgt Spencer posted to the Squadron.  Sgt German was killed when his Spitfire crashed at Safwal.

Thursday, July 31, 1941

Weather overcast, with haze, rain and mist.  Another farewell party at ‘D’s’ Bad show.