Sea King

Vision, Mission & Objectives


Our store is moving! Our Association Management System (AMS) and Customer Relation Management (CRM) platform – known as NetForumPro – is being retired, and replaced by the same company’s (communitybrands) newer more agile platform known as YourMembership. You can find the new store – and membership platform – here at this link.

Our Value Proposition

Celebrating Canadian Air Force Experiences, Shaping Canada’s Aerospace Tomorrows

Wouldn’t it be great if someone took the time to advocate for a well-equipped,
well-trained, well-prepared air force, for our country?
That’s what we do.

Wouldn’t it be great if someone helped families, survivors, dependants and descendants
understand the context surrounding the contributions of their beloved veteran relatives?
That’s what we do.

Wouldn’t it be great if someone helped Canadians understand the
pivotal role played by Canada’s aerospace industries?
That’s what we do.

Wouldn’t it be great if someone was there to help every single veteran
from retirement on, to see to their important needs?
That’s what we do.

Wouldn’t it be great if someone were there to help Canadians remember and mark through
special events the important sacrifices made by so many of their fellow Canadians?
That’s what we do.

Wouldn’t it be great if someone were there to help Canadians apply the
principles of democracy to help strengthen the social fabric of Canada?
That’s what we do.

We do this every day, day after day.

We have been doing it since 1948.

We do not, should not and cannot do it alone.

We are a big team of key stakeholders, including aerospace industry partners,
and devoted, committed people in hundreds of communities across Canada.

Thank you for joining us, in our important mission.


Vision Statement: An exemplary and enthusiastic source of Canadian military air power knowledge and support

Mission Statement: The Air Force Association of Canada is a national aerospace and community service organization established to: commemorate the noble achievements of the men and women who have served as members of Canada?s air forces since its inception; advocate for a proficient and well-equipped air force; and, support the Royal Canadian Air Cadet program

Aims and Objectives:

  • Advocacy – to advocate a proficient, well-equipped, well-prepared, well-trained air force for Canada
  • Traditions – to preserve and perpetuate the glorious traditions established in Canada’s air forces since its inception.
  • Air Cadets – to support the Royal Canadian Air Cadets, and work closely with the Air Cadet League of Canada.
  • Community – to participate in local civic and community programs identified by Wings and to undertake charitable and other projects of both a national and local character
  • Civil/Military Air – to recognize achievements in civil and military aviation through the annual awards of the Air Force Association of Canada.

Our Primary Roles YouthHeritageAdvocacy – Jeunesse – Patrimoine – Soutien actif de notre aviation

Sustaining the interest of all Canadians in aerospace issues and the country’s air force, is our goal. We introduce young Canadians to aerospace careers. We advocate for a well-prepared, well-equipped, operationally ready air force for Canada. Promoting Canada’s rich air force history is a popular, effective part of our mission.

Notre Vision – Une source exemplaire et enthousiaste de connaissance et d’appui de la force aerienne militaire Canadienne

Tous nos membres se sont engagés et informer les nouvelles générations de Canadiens sur l’importance de leur force aérienne. Nous initions les jeunes Canadiens aux carriéres dans le domaine aérospatial. Nous défendons les intérets d’une force aérienne canadienne bien préparée, bien équipée et prete d’intervenier. La promotion du riche patrimoine aérien du Canada constitue une partie importante et bien réelle de notre mission.

The Royal Canadian Air Force Association is a national aerospace and community service organization established to: commemorate the noble achievements of the men and women who have served as members of Canada’s air forces since its inception; advocate a proficient and well-equipped air force; and, support the Royal Canadian Air Cadet program